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Dedication of the Levites
In this chapter we are examining the events that occurred in the camp of Israel at Mount Sinai on the day the tabernacle was erected. Everything that was done in the camp of Israel was ordered by the Lord. In the church today, God doesn’t speak audibly to His people as He did to …
Is it Information or Truth That You Want?
Zedekiah sent for Jeremiah again and met him in secret at the entrance to the temple (vv. 14-16). Zedekiah wanted to ask Jeremiah something, and he told the prophet not to hide anything from him. Jeremiah said, if he did answer with a message the king did not want to hear he had …
A Friend Loves at All Times
To justify the wicked and to condemn the righteous is to call evil good, and good evil (v. 15). This is hated by the Lord and any who operate in this manner are fools. There are many examples of this going on in our society today but one that is very glaring is the abortion iss …
Judgment upon a Christ rejecting world
This part of Chapter 14 is a preview leading up to the 2nd coming of Christ. This actual event we will study in chapter 19. We see the coming judgment on a Christ rejecting world (v. 14). “And in His hand a sharp sickle.” This is a harvesting tool used by ancient farmers to cut grain. It represents …
God’s Truth Brings Conviction to Agippa’s Heart
This passage starts out with Festus rudely interrupting Paul’s testimony by telling him he is insane; that his education has gone to his head and scrambled his brains (v. 24). Apparently this charge came as a result of Paul’s declaration that Jesus Christ had risen from the dead. …
Egypt and Her Allies Will Fail
Because Egypt was an international power, her fate affected the entire world. Thus God’s activity concerning her constitutes a great intervention in history. Ezekiel calls it a “day of the Lord."Unlike Ezekiel’s other prophecies against Egypt, he did not date th …
The Incarnation of Christ
The Christian life is the constant reception of one evidence of God’s grace replacing another (v. 16). John the Baptist had the task of preparing the Jewish nation to receive their Messiah. He was bold in calling them to repent of their sins and to live a changed life. The law was truth but it was …
Conversion of Egypt
Isaiah sees a day coming when Egypt will be converted to the knowledge and worship of the true God (vv. 16-17). In contrast to Isaiah’s day when Judah was thinking about turning to Egypt for help, a day will come when Egypt will recognize Judah as the dominant force in the …
The loyality of people to each other.
The Israelites had been camped in the plains of Moab. From this position, they were ready to enter the Promised Land. Up to this point, all the tribes of Israel had fought together, traveled together, and sometimes had sinned together. But now things were changing as two of the t …
Is your name written in the Lambs Book of Life?
In contrast to the long history of temples in Israel, there will be no temple in the New Jerusalem. This is because there is no need for a place to worship because God and Christ are present and there will be free access to them. Jesus is the temple (v. 22) and the light (v. 23). This means the …