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Destruction of Assyria
 Isaiah’s sixth and final pronouncement of “woe” upon the kingdom of Israel and Judah deals with the devastation that shall come upon the land (v. 1). It is directed against Sennacherib because of his treachery against Judah. Hezekiah had tried to “buy off&quo …
Pharisees Think There is Merit in Fasting
The Pharisees seemed to think there was real merit in the act of fasting. Only one fast day was prescribed in the Old Testament Law which was the Day of Atonement (Lev. 23:27). However, the Jews added many fast days to their calendar. By the time of Christ, the Pharisees were fas …
Comparison of the Natural and Spiritual Body
In the previous passage, we were told that the body is buried in corruption because it is going to decay; but it is raised so that it cannot decay. With this change there is no decay or death in heaven. The expression “last Adam,” was coined by the Apostle Paul as a reference to Christ (v. 45). Today …
Dealing with Christian liberty
Paul continues to deal with the subject of Christian liberty as he uses the illustration of an athlete. The Corinthians would have been very familiar with the Greek Olympic games as well as their Isthmian games. He says that one of the most important rules in a race is that all participants run …
Rebellion at the end of the Millennium
Satan will be released at the end of the thousand-year reign of Christ on the earth. He will find plenty of followers (“as the sand of the sea” v. 8) who will produce a worldwide rebellion against Christ. This host of followers of Satan will converge on Jerusalem which …
God Sends Israel “to school”
This chapter begins with an emphasis on the mighty acts of God on behalf of His people Israel (vv. 1-2). When they became slaves in Egypt, He cared for them and multiplied them greatly. When Jacob and his family journeyed to Egypt to join Joseph (Gen. 46) there were 70 people and they …
An Obvious Change Takes Place
Paul makes three statements describing the change that took place in these new Thessalonian Christians:They turned their back on idolatry (v. 9). Keep in mind that many of the initial converts were Jews but the church soon included large numbers of Gentiles. Many of the …
The Parable of the Shrewd Manager
We could title these verses, “The proper use of Money.” Our use of money is a good test of the lordship of Christ. Money can be a wonderful servant but a terrible master. We must remember that the love of money is still “the root of all kinds of evil&quo …
True Love is Easily Seen
Our love for God is demonstrated by our loving the brethren (v.22). An example of this is found in I John 4:20-21. Love toward God is hard to measure, however love toward the brethren is easily seen. This love is to be a “fervent” love which is real and not …
We Are to Emulate Christ’s Example
Christ is our perfect example, which we can read in the four Gospels. God chose for you to suffer as you follow in the footsteps of Christ, who set an example by suffering for you (v. 21). Even though He was sinless in what He did, yet He suffered at the hands of auth …