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The Lord Alone Can Save
This passage is God’s promise that when Egypt and the Soybeans (Arabs who came from Seba in Southern Arabia) shall fall down and acknowledge that Jehovah is the only God (v. 14). Though at times it may seem as if the Lord is hiding, He really is the Savior of Israel ( v. …
Reaching Out to Those in Need
Jeremiah says that in those days they even had trouble with rulers wasting money in an extravagant way on their own private homes (vv. 13,14). When the nation of Judah was bankrupt and deep in trouble, king Jehoiakim used his power to force unpaid Jewish slave labor to bu …
The Priorities of Prayer
From his concerns about false teachers Paul turned to matters relating to the conduct of the church. He began with what he considered most important: prayer. What often comes last in the Church’s priorities should come first. Paul explains the different things that should be included in prayers …
Rejection by Many Followers
As the people began to understand Jesus’s teachings, they found them to be totally unacceptable. Besides the hostile Jewish leaders, many of the Galilean disciples turned away from Him. The popular enthusiasm for Jesus as a political Messiah (v. 15) was then over. They saw that He was …
The budding of Aaron’s rod
In today’s passage God proves once again to the people that Aaron can be trusted and he is the High Priest of Israel (vv. 1-6). A situation was set up for a visible sign of God’s unmistakable choice of Aaron as High Priest. Each tribe was to be represented by a rod or branch of a …
The Great Commission
Jesus promised to meet with his disciples on a mountain in Galilee (v. 16). It is not for certain which mountain this was. Some commentators identify this meeting with the appearance to more than 500 as referred to in (I Cor. 15:6). Although Matthew does not record it …
Solomon Prays in a Way That Get’s Results
The Lord has been present, he has heard, and He answers twice, once immediately and again later. The Lord sent down fire to consume the sacrifices that were prepared (v. 1). The answer to prayer was the fire. The people fell to their faces acknowledging the Lord’s faithfulness (vv. 2-3). This …
The Instrument of God’s Judgment
Ezekiel’s third message showed God directing the sword of Babylon against Jerusalem (vv. 18-23). In symbolic actions Ezekiel pictured God supernaturally guiding Nebuchadnezzar to Jerusalem to over-throw the city. God told him to mark out two roads for the king of Babylon …
Forgiveness For The Sinner
“Peace at any price” is not a Biblical principle, for there cannot be true spiritual peace without purity (James3:13-18). Church discipline is not a popular subject and very few churches today really practice it. Too many churches just sweep things under the rug instead of obeying the …
Israel at Mt Sinai
Three months after the Exodus from Egypt the children of Israel entered the Desert of Sinai and camped near Mount Sinai (v. 1). We do not know the exact location of Mount Sinai but it is thought to be Jebel Musa in the Southern part of what is known today as the Sinai Penin …