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A Reluctance to Believe

Date: July 23, 2020
Topic: Unbelief
Passage: Mark 16:9–14

It has become hard for some to put faith in anything or anyone. Institutions have promised so much, and they have let us down. We have had faith in government and government has let us down. We have trusted people and people have let us down. It is easy to lose confidence in peo …

The Fall And Captivity of Judah

Topic: Prophecy
Passage: Isaiah 44:1–8

Babylon conquered Assyria and became the new world power. In the ninth year of Zedekiah’s reign, Nebuchadnezzar marched against Jerusalem and surrounded it (vv. 1-3). After 18 months of siege the Babylonians broke through the wall and completely destroyed the city. Zedekiah and …

Paul Held Great Esteem For Epaphroditus

Topic: Esteem
Passage: Philippians 2:24–30

Another shining example of Servanthood was Epaphroditus who also had a deep concern for his friends at Philippi (vv. 25-30). Since the church had sent Epaphroditus to bring gifts and money to Paul they probably intended for him to stay and assist Paul indefinitely. However, …

Paul – A Roman Citizen

Date: July 21, 2020
Topic: Prejudice
Passage: Acts 22:17–30

Paul traveled to Arabia after his conversion. When he returned to Damascus, he faced opposition, escaped from his enemies, and made a brief visit to Jerusalem. Paul might have skipped this next part if his own personal safety was his main concern. Instead, he told how he had returned to …

A serpent problem solved.

Date: July 20, 2020
Topic: Deliverance
Passage: Numbers 21:1–9

Life often becomes like a gymnasium or a battlefield (II Tim. 2:1-5), where we must exercise our faith and develop strong spiritual muscles for running the race of life. This truth is well illustrated in this chapter where God’s care and discipline of His people is so evident. Th …

The Temple is Completed

Topic: Restoration
Passage: Ezra 6:1–12

Darius commanded that the records be searched to determine if Cyrus had actually made a decree permitting the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem (v. 1). The document they sought was not found in Babylon but in Ecbatana, the capital of Media Province, where the Persian kings ma …

Birth of Samuel And Samuel Taken to Eli

Date: July 19, 2020
Topic: Bareness
Passage: 1 Samuel 1:1–28

The chapter begins by telling about Elkanah and his two wives, Peninnah and Hannah, who lived in Ramah about five miles north of Jerusalem (vv. 1-2). Although God tolerated polygamy in the Old Testament, it was not part of his original intention for marriage (Gen 2:24) and caused many serious family problems, as we see in this … (1 Samuel 1)

The Plagues of Dead Animals And Boils

Topic: Suffering
Passage: Exodus 9:1–12

Again Moses was God’s spokesman to Pharaoh and he said, “Thus saith the Lord God of the Hebrews, Let my people go, that they may serve me (v. 1).” He warns the King that if he keeps refusing He will bring a terrible disease to his horses, donkeys, camels, cattle …

Moab Rebels Against Israel

Topic: Restoration
Passage: Isaiah 35:1–10

Jehoram, the second son of Ahab began reigning over Israel in the eighteenth year after Jehoshaphat began reigning as sole king of Judah. Moab’s rebellion during this time did not affect only Israel but was also a threat to the kingdom of Judah. Edom at this time was und …

Gentiles Will be Saved

Date: July 18, 2020
Topic: Arrogance
Passage: Romans 11:13–24

Paul was appointed as a missionary to the Gentiles (v.13). He reminded his Jewish brethren of this fact, hoping that they too would want to be saved (v. 14). The Jews had been rejected, and thus Gentiles were being offered salvation. When a Jew comes to Christ there is great rejoicing. It was …

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