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Symbol of the Cooking Pot
Chapter 24 concludes the third series of judgments on Judah. Ezekiel’s final prophecies of doom against Jerusalem came in the ninth year (of King Jehoiachin), in the 10th month on the 10th day (vv. 1-2). The king of Babylon besieged Jerusalem that very day. This was the d …
Responsibilities as Believers
It seems that there was a problem in the Thessalonian church that was caused by those who had stopped working, because of their belief in the nearness of the second coming. With this in mind Paul urges the Christians to listen to those who had positions of spiritual leadership in …
David gave Solomon Blueprints for the Temple
The last two chapters of l Chronicles presents the transition from David to Solomon as King of Israel. Knowing that the end of his life was imminent, David assembled all the princes of Israel in Jerusalem and made a public presentation of Solomon as his successor. He reviewed the history …
The Four Chariots
The eighth vision of the four chariots can be divided into two parts: The details of the vision (vv. 1-3).The interpretation of the vision (vv. 4-8). The prophet simply turned, lifted up his eyes, looked and behold there were four chariots that came out from between two …
The Pharisees Blindless
Physical healing and spiritual healing are intertwined. The one leads to the other as the blind man moves from darkness to light, first physically and then spiritually. At the physical level his sight was restored. On the spiritual level he came to faith in Christ. The narrative in this chapter is …
Sin in The Church
The sins Paul mentions in this passage are either the result of church division or caused by lax morality which disunity tends to produce (vv. 20-21). Legalism and immorality are often frequent bedfellows (Philippians 3:3,19). If you don’t believe this is true, just look at the great number of …
Rapping Up Spiritual Gifts
In the modern world, where women’s rights are championed and the Bible is often seen as old fashioned and sexist, verses 33b through 35 stick out like a sore thumb. Why couldn’t Paul have just skipped right from verse 33a to verse 36. It certainly seems to flow better that way. But our …
The great battle called Armagedon
An evil spirit that looked like a frog came out of the mouth of the dragon. One also came out of the mouth of the beast, and another out of the mouth of the false prophet (v. 13). These evil spirits had the power to work miracles (v. 14). They went to every king on earth, to bring them together …
Future Temple Site
God gave Isaiah the gift of seeing the future. In this passage, Isaiah looks ahead to the time when God’s righteous kingdom (the millennium) will be established and the temple in Jerusalem will be the center for the worldwide worship of the Lord (vv. 1-3). Revelation chapte …
Three Motivations For Christian Growth
In this section of Paul’s letter he allows us to understand his heart-beat as he focuses on some of his personal feelings and emotional reactions. When the Word of God is within us, the enemies of God will be upon us. This brings us to three motivating factors for Christian growt …