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Confidence Amid Deception
This psalm expresses David’s confidence in the words of God for deliverance amid men who are full of deception. Some think he wrote it during those days when his duties kept him in Saul’s courtroom while Saul was looking for ways to kill him. Others think he wrote it during those days …
Peace Under Difficult Circumstances
1. Plea (vv. 1-2). This opening section of Psalm 4 is divided in two: a. A Plea directed to God (v. 1).b. A Rebuke directed to the writers of people (v. 2). 2. &nbs …
The Pruning Process Produces Restoration
This Psalm is a national prayer for restoration. The key word might be translated either “restore us” or “bring us back” (from captivity). The Palmist urges God to listen, wake up, and go to work to save His people (vv. 1-2). Three times is this chapter the wr …
David’s Plea For Vindication
This Psalm seems to refer to a time of national crisis when people were dying under the judgment of God. It is not known exactly when this was. With disaster taking place all around him, David was not claiming to be sinless because that is impossible for any human being to achiev …
The Lord is Always Merciful
This psalm contains both history and prophesy. Its human author is unknown. It is set in the period when the remnant returned from Babylon to the promised land. It is considered a messianic psalm in which certain verses are associated with the Lord Jesus Himself and with His earthly life and …
Prisoners Are Delivered From Bondage
In this passage the psalmist describes Israel’s condition. They were like a people who sit in prison. This confinement may be a result of the actual treatment of captives by the Babylonian and Assyrian soldiers. The cell is dark and the threat of execution hangs over them. They a …
You Can’t Keep the Battle to Yourself
As we come to the climax of this chapter the scene moves from Armageddon to the commencement of the millennial reign. When Jesus walked on this earth, He could enter the court of the Gentiles and the court of Israel but could not go into the Holy of Holies where only the priest could go once …
The Blessing of Answered Prayer
It seems that David may have written this psalm during the time of the purchase, and erection of an altar in the dedication of the threshing floor of Araunah (II Sam. 24). We do know that prosperity had caused David to become self-confident and proud. As a result of this G …
A Song of Praise With Confidence
I remember when I was in elementary school that there was an epidemic of measles broke out that was so contagious that it spread through the school like wildfire. Suddenly I became very conscious of who I talked with, realizing that I could catch a sickness that I didn’t want. It came …
God Helps Those Who Help Others
Solomon reigned in what has been referred to as Israel’s golden age. He built the magnificent temple, and even the pots and pans in the kitchen were made of gold. However he had pity on the poor and the weak and helped everyone who was poor and needy (vv. 12-13). He cared f …