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David’s Prayers. Intercessions And Triumphs
In contrast with the wickedness that surrounded him (vv. 1-4), David found relief by meditating on the attributes of the Lord, and the abundant blessings that come to believers. These attributes are inexhaustible resources for believers. God’s mercy and righteousness is as …
Evil Only Seems to be Winning
One of the most serious problems in the world today is noise pollution. How can we make sense out of all the noise in our world today? Psalm 2 helps us solve this important problem. Have you ever wondered why it seems like God lets evil go unpunished? Evil seems to be winning the world …
Prayer That The Wicked Won’t Triumph
The Psalmist calls on God to wake up; not that He was asleep, but it is an appeal for Him to manifest Himself (v. 22). As he draws to a close in his prayer he becomes more intense. David cries out to God to defend him when people wrongly accused Him. If we are unjustly accused, o …
Sing And Praise The Lord
It sounds like this Psalm may have been written after the return of the Jews from Babylon (v. 2). There seems to be two themes running throughout the Psalm. One is a praise of God for His goodness to his creatures and the other a praise of God for his goodness to His people. He uses the …
A Prayer for Mercy
Psalm 122 begins with a group of excited pilgrims, singing as they make their ascent to the “City of God.” The thrones for judgment possibly refer to the courts of justice by the town gate (v. 5; See also Ruth 4:1-2, II Sam. 19:8, and Neh. 8:1). The psalmist prayed an intercessory prayer on …
Advice For The Bride of The King
We now switch to the bride’s side of the wedding. The bride received two basic instructions. First, she must leave her family (v. 10) and secondly she must cleave to her new a relationship that separates her forever from all that she has known since birth and cling only to her …
Choosing Zion For His Dwelling Place
The great mountains of the land of Basham (v. 15) no doubt refers to Mount Hermon, the highest snow capped peak in the Middle East, just a few miles north of Basham. The psalmists intent was to show that Israel would be victorious by divine design (sovereignty), rather than by hu …
Holiness is Hard to Define
Though holiness is a rather unknown and a hard to define quality in our modern world it had a real message to these ancient Semites who used it. The basic meaning is separation. As it applies to God, it means He is separated from sin, sinners, imperfection of any kind, guilt, and …
Shout Praises to The LORD
The inhabitants of Jerusalem are reminded that they need to praise the Lord for all He has done in restoring Jerusalem (v. 12). He makes the city gates strong and blesses the people (v. 13). He has helped them to rebuild the walls and to have a security from their enemies with internal happiness …
The Wicked Will be Justly Punished
Those who are evildoers will sooner or later, be cut down as the scythe cuts down the grass of the field (v. 9). There is a shortness of time to do things (v. 10). The meek may never have an abundance of things, but why should they care? An abundance of peace is theirs, an …