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A Respect For God’s Handiwork
In this Psalm David rejoiced in God’s creation and the fact that the God of heaven, whose name is “excellent”, should use people to rule the earth (vv. 1, 9). It shows that God’s glory is more than a theological concept; it is also linked to an emotional component called joy. It reminds us that to …
Trust in God’s Word
The writer in this passage stresses a determination to keep the Word (vv. 65-72). God is good all the time. The emphasis in the first two verses (vv. 65-66) is on what is good in the life of the believer. God does what is good because God is good and because what He does is according to …
David Describes Those Who Falsely Accuse Him
It is not easy to live righteously, even when things are going well (vv. 8-9). It is especially hard when we are being persecuted and being falsely accused. Only the Lord, as He directs us through His Word, can keep us having right thoughts and right action. The same loving-kindness that led …
Prayer For Deliverance
The historical background for this Psalm can be found in II Samuel 8:13-14; I Kings 11:15-16 and I Chronicles 18:12-13. King David had inherited all the dreadful years of failure and defeat, apostasy and backsliding, misery and woe under the judges and under Saul. He took o …
Tension Can Produce Character
Four times David asked, “How long” as another lament is about to begin (vv. 1-2). He had been brought low by his feelings. We can relate to David if we’ve ever been through some great trial. If we haven’t been there yet, we will. In the book of Job, we learn that “man was born to trouble as …
A Prayer For General Prosperity
The sin question needs to be dealt with on spiritual and not ceremonial terms. With his sin confessed and forgiven, David is ready to live a changed life for his Lord. His first responsibility is to teach transgressors the ways of God so as to prevent their making the same mistak …
The Sovereignty of The LORD in Creation
This hymn stresses the reasons for the believer’s adoration of God. It is a hymn of praise. It may have resulted from a national victory, but there is no hint within its text to reveal which victory. The psalmist calls on the righteous to praise the Lord because His Word is …
The Fear of The Lord
This psalm enumerates some of the blessings enjoyed by a person who fears (reverences) the Lord. Then it anticipates the exaltation of the righteous and grievous destruction of the wicked. However, we must not conclude based on this psalm that all believers today can claim health, wealth, success, …
Justice Over The Judges
This psalm is concerned with the problem of the unjust judge. The writer refers to the rulers and judges of Israel as “gods and children of the most high” (vv. 5-7). They were called gods because they represented God in executing judgment. In the days these words were p …
Jesus is The Messiah
This psalm is clearly messianic and is quoted or referred to in the New Testament more than any other psalm. It is the only messianic psalm with no reference to David or another. Even the Lord quoted this psalm to silence His critics. He explained that this psalm spoke of the Messiah as …