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Love For God’s Word
The psalmist gives three pleas for deliverance from suffering (vv. 153-156). (1) Appeal to the Lord’s compassion – Rescue Me (v. 153). (2) Appeal to the Lord’s ability to deliver – Redeem Me (v. 154). Salvation is far from those who refuse to seek God’s Word (v. 155). (3) Appeal to the …
Song of Thanksgiving
We cannot be sure when this psalm was written. Some Bible scholars think it was written by Hezekiah when childless, facing death, and with the Davidic line therefore in peril of extinction. It was a very personal psalm where the writer refers to himself 37 times. Yet it is not sinful in …
Enemies to be Blotted Out of The Book of Life
In his pronouncements against his enemies, David prays for the following to happen:That his enemies homes will be cursed (v. 22) – “Let their table become a snare…"That his enemies health will be cursed (v. 23) – Let their eyes be darkened…"That his enemies hap …
Swift Judgement on The Judges
The Psalmist gives a series of graphic pictures showing the certain fate of those who corrupt the justice system:A disarmed lion (v. 6). David could picture himself as a shepherd tending the sheep when a lion would attack. He would be helpless with just his shepherd’s staff …
David Questions God as to Why He Has to Suffer
The Psalmist asks three troubling questions (vv. 9-11) in faith, for he remembers that God is his Rock, his protector, and foundation. He cannot help but hope in Him in the middle of difficult circumstances. This passage suggests some sort of betrayal, most likely involving …
David Praises God in a Time of Distress
The faith expressed in Psalms 61 and 62 reaches a climax in this marvelous hymn of David, written in the wilderness. He was going through one of those rough times, which seemed to be his lot in life. He had been driven from the throne by his son, Absalom, and was headed out …
God’s Word is Sweet
1. The key to superior wisdom is love for the Word of God. “O how I love Thy law” (v. 97).2. The measure of superior wisdom can be compared to: a. The wisdom of my enem …
The Lord’s Indictment Against Hypocrisy
In the previous verses, we were told how dead works are judged. Now we are told how wickedness is judged (v. 16). The inadequacy of the old sacrificial system is especially shown by the list of sins given in these verses: 1. Hateful attitudes – (v. 17)2. Sharing with th …
The Works of Creation
The Lord makes the grass and food for the animals to grow (vv. 14-15). He provides dwelling places for animals and birds (vv. 16-18). To all of this, He brought in the orderly cycles of life. He has added the sun and moon to rule the times when various creatures on the earth are …
The True Atheist is Either Foolish or Wicked
The true atheist is either foolish or wicked (vv. 1-3). He is foolish because he ignores the evidence that God exists or wicked because he refuses to live by God’s truths. We become atheists in practice when we rely more on ourselves than on God. In surveying all history, the psalmist …