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The Need For Divine Intervention
This Psalm is made up of prayers in the midst of perils. It is thought that David wrote this when he fled from Saul in the cave of Adulham in the valley of the Philistines (I Samuel 22). Another possibility is that it was penned in the cave of Engedi along the limestone banks of …
God’s Majesty And Love
The theme of this passage of scripture is that “God is great” …
Abundant Provision of Harvest
It seems that the psalmist is inspired to write about the abundant harvest and give thanks to God. He summarizes the generosity of God’s care of the land (v. 9), and develops the theme of blessing on the land (vv. 10-13).God’s rain showers prepare the land for production (v. 10). …
Shout Praises to The Lord
Praise plays a great role in Psalms 145-150. Each begins and ends with “Praise the Lord.” The word “praise” occurs 46 times in these six psalms. Praise for the greatness and grace of God is the subject of this psalm. The psalmist vowed to praise God all of his life because the one who …
God is Immeasurable And Immutable
The psalmist compares the brevity of his own life with the eternity of days which belong to God (v. 23). Even though he is troubled by the worldliness of many he is interested in all that is happening. The times were so fascinating, so full of soul-stirring events, he dread …
David’s Anticipation of Victory
This is known as a michtam psalm. It speaks of that which is substantial, or enduring, or fixed. Michtam literally means “engraven” or “permanent.” This word pictures that which is unmoveable, steadfast, stable and enduring. When David says, “My heart is …
Anticipation of Praise
These next few verses of this Psalm may have been penned after David had escaped from his enemies and he wanted the people to recognize God’s system of justice (vv. 9-10). David was hunted by those whose love had turned to jealousy, and this was driving them to try to murder him. …
God’s Word is Awesome
The psalmist hated double-mindedness and hoped in God’s Word because God was his refuge.I. Five ways to show respect for God’s Word (vv. 113-117). 1. Whole-Hearted commitment to God’s Word (v. 113). &nbs …
What Happens When Trouble Strikes?
In this passage the psalmist is lamenting the condition of the nation of Israel. There is much disagreement among scholars as to who wrote this Psalm. However, many agree that it was written in the closing days of the Babylonian exile. John Phillips, in his book Exploring The Psa …
Sailors Are Delivered From a Troubled Sea
Many were in terrible pain, and some were almost dead because of their foolish sins but they prayed and were rescued (vv. 17-19). He restored them by healing them with His word (v. 20). We should praise the Lord and sing joyful songs to tell what He has done (vv. 21-22)…