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The Table of Showbread
The tabernacle was one long building made into two parts. The first room was called the Holy Place. Only the priests were allowed to come in here. There were three pieces of furniture here. One was a table covered over with gold and with poles put through rings at each end for ca …
David Anointed The New King
When you are depressed how do you spell RELIEF? It seems that the Holy Spirit had left Saul and God allowed an evil spirit to enter him and torment him (vv. 14-15). Since he could not function in this deep depression, he asked that a musician be brought to minister to his trouble …
Jethro Counsels Moses
The people stood around Moses from morning till evening waiting for him to judge them (v. 13). When Moses’ father-in-law saw all that Moses was doing he questioned why he was doing all the work and letting all the other people stand around and watch (v. 14). Moses answered …
Babylon will be destroyed suddenly
In these verses we find the reaction in heaven to the destruction of Babylon. Babylon had slain the saints; now God slays Babylon. As a confirmation to the citizens of heaven that the destruction is final, an angel takes a millstone and casts it into the sea to symbolize the sure and complete …
Jesus Says Greatness Comes From Serving Others
The three lessons Jesus taught in this section are basic to Christian living today. If we are yielded to Him, then suffering will lead to glory, faith will produce power, and our sacrificial service will lead to honor. John reported to Jesus that they had seen a man casting out d …
The Feast of Unleavened Bread
It has been said that the wilderness wanderings had no place in the purpose of God. This is certainly not true as we see Him leading his people each step of the way. Some of His purpose for leading Israel to Canaan through the wilderness could be summarized as follows: It was in o …
Israel refuses to enter Canaan
After the the twelve men returned from Canaan and said there were giants in the land, the people cried all night and complained to Moses and Aaron, “ We wish we had died in Egypt or somewhere out here in the desert (vv. 1-2)! Why does the Lord bring us to this land to fall b …
Absalom Returns to Jerusalem
Joab knew that David couldn’t stop thinking about his son Absalom (v. 1). Because of this, he sent someone to bring a woman from Tekoa to him and he asked her to put on funeral clothes and not use any makeup (v. 2). He told her to go to the king and pretend that she was m …
Jehoshaphat’s Alliance With Ahab
Jehoshaphat became care¬less in his diplomatic relations and joined in an unholy alliance with king Ahab. A sad result of this alliance was the marriage of his son Jehoram to Ahab’s daughter, Athaliah (v. 21:6). One day Jehoshaphat went to visit Ahab in Samaria (v. 2) and Ahab put on a …
Gog and Allies Attack Israel
In this passage we find, that in the future, nations and peoples will be banded together under the leadership of Gog (vv. 1-9 & Rev. 20:6) and come down from the North to invade Israel which will culminate in the battle of Armageddon. Gog seems to represent the military …