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Paul Was Always Gentle
Gentleness is often overlooked as a personal trait in our society (v. 7). To demonstrate power and assertiveness seems to get more respect but no one likes to be bullied. It is true that Paul was a man of authority but he always used this authority in love. We find him in this pa …
Saul is Angry with Jonathan
Things happened just as David had predicted as Saul became violently angry when David did not show for the feast of the New Moon. Jonathan tried to reason with his father as he had done a few weeks before (vv. 24-31). Saul, however, hurled his spear, narrowly missing his son. Jon …
The Humiliation of Babylon
Isaiah describes Babylon’s fall to the Persians more than 150 years before the event took place. The prophet sees a time when the imposing conqueror, Babylon, shall be defeated and he pictures her as one who can do no more than sit in the dust (v. 1) This is an interesting …
God Led The Israelites by a Cloud And by Fire
The shortest way to Palestine was through the territory of the Philistines in the direction of Beersheba. God chose to lead His people, not on the nearest way, but the way that was best for them (vv. 17-18), just as He does today. He led them southward, instead of eas …
Jeremiah Gives Seraiah a Scroll:
It was God’s plan that Babylon must fall because she was responsible for killing many Israelites (v.49). However God makes it clear that there is no future in Babylon and anyone who chooses to remain in Babylon will suffer the fate of the city. On the other hand, if they re …
The Concluding Days of Gideon
Gideon who came through the test of adversity with flying colors was not so successful in the test of prosperity. After his successful encounters with the enemies of the Lord he yielded to two temptations which brought devastating consequences …
When Preaching Trumps Praying
God’s admonition to Jeremiah, “Do not pray for this people,” is the result of serious rebellion on their part (v. 16). They are seen worshiping false gods and making sacrifices to them. God commanded that prayer cease, but that preaching continue. If you read through …
Judgment is Sure to Come
Jeremiah’s first sermon was one of condemnation to backsliding Israel. The second gave an invitation, “Return unto me.” The third is one of judgment, describing the forthcoming judgment of God’s wrath upon His people for their sin. Again God promises to r …
Cautions Against Disobedience
God warns His people that they are not to forget Him after they get into the land and experience His blessing (v. 12). He would bless them with children and grandchildren and increase their numbers greatly. He would also increase their crops and livestock so they would not only have …