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How to Be Faithful Regardless of Opposition
Jeremiah was faithful regardless of the opposition. He reports for duty and the first order of the day was to preach sermons to the people: and cry in the ears of Jerusalem (vv. 1-3). This first message (2:1-3:5) confronted Jerusalem with her waywardness. The Lord brought them in …
The Fallacy of Worshiping Idols
The prophet concludes his temple message by painting a picture of the broad scope of God’s relationship to the nations (vv. 1-11), to nature (vv. 12-13), and to mankind (vv. 14-25). He brings a charge on the fallacy of worshiping idols. God addressed the house of Israel wit …
Be Faithful and Leave the Results to God
Believer are called to suffer. We shouldn’t fear men or circumstances, but instead we should consider it a high privilege to suffer (vv. 13-14). God is working in our lives to teach us something. Just as parents discipline their children to teach them, so God sometimes disciplines believer …
Woe to the Lawyers
The lawyers (scribes) of that day were teachers of the Mosaic law who claimed that nobody could understand and explain the law except them (v. 45). In contrast to the day in which we live, their civil law was the same as their religious law, so these lawyers were called stu …
Feast of Purim Established
The Feast of Purim was not established by the Mosaic Law. It was commanded by Mordecai (vv. 20-28) and by Esther (vv. 29-32). These two feast days were for remembering the goodness of God working through circumstances to protect His people from extinction. This feast was called …
Resistance to Building The Temple
When the Samaritans heard that the Jews were making good progress in building the temple they came to them with an offer of assistance. Outwardly they pretended to be friendly and cooperative while in reality they intended to hinder and stop the work. Zerubbabel, Joshua and the o …
Evidences Of a Spirit-filled Life
It is sad to see so many professing Christians who drift aimlessly through life and never really do anything worthwhile for the Lord. Paul presents the following reasons why we need to be making the right use of every opportunity we have for the Lord: Because it is the only sensi …
Matthew was Called to Follow Jesus
Departing from Capernaum Jesus passes by Levi (called Matthew in the Gospel he wrote), who sat at the toll booth and collected taxes on the merchandise that was brought through (v. 27). However he was not a chief tax collector, as Zaccheus was (19:2), nor does the text sa …
Judgment on Philistia
This section begins with a summons to “seek the Lord” before the day of judgment arrives. “Seeking” the Lord could refer either to desiring from Him a word of revelation (1:6) or to turning to Him in repentance. It is the opposite, then, of either indifference to the Lord or abandoning Him …
Guided by convenience rather than conviction
We are introduced to a young man from Bethlehem who is later identified as the grandson of Moses (vv. 7-9). His name was Jonathan, son of Geshom, son of Moses (18:30). It is not for certain why he was wandering alone, away from his family but it seems he was looking for a job and …