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A Centurion’s Servant is Healed
In this chapter Jesus is confronted with a dying servant (vv. 1-10), a grieving widow (vv. 11-17), a perplexed prophet (vv. 18-35) and a repentant sinner (vv. 36-50). In today’s passage we are introduced to the dying servant as Jesus demonstrates His sovereign power ov …
Don’t Pretend to Be Something You Are Not
Do you realize there are many teachers who use the Bible who can and do lead sincere people astray. Maybe you have even heard someone say, “It makes no difference what you believe, just as long as you believe something.” Paul certainly would …
Job’s Answer to Eliphaz
In this chapter we find Job’s first reply to Eliphaz. In Job’s reply to Eliphaz he emphasizes three key points (vv. 1-7): You are giving me all of this advice but with no sympathy for my situation.Your criticisms are not based on fact but only on your own experience. …
Running to Win
Paul was satisfied with Jesus Christ but He was not satisfied with his Christian life. To many, Paul was a spiritual giant. However, he wanted them to know that he had not yet obtained his spiritual goals (v. 10). He was still actively pressing toward these goals. When Pa …
Paul–A Roman Citizen
The crowd listened until Paul made this last statement (v. 22). Then they started shouting, “Get rid of this man! He doesn’t deserve to live.” For Paul’s sake, it was probably good that the courtyard was paved. Had there been stones lying around the Jews may have …
Ben-Hadad’s Siege of Samaria
Some time after the events just related, Ben-Hadad tried again to defeat Israel. This time he mobilized his entire army and besieged Samaria (v. 24). This kept up until there was nothing to eat in the city (v. 25) It was so severe that one donkey’s head, unclean to the Is …
The Lord’s Judgment on Israel
Keep in mind that when Moses composes this song, Israel is not yet in the promised land. It is prophetic as it is intended to challenge them to godliness. It shows how prosperity is more dangerous than adversity (v. 15). In adverse circumstances a believer is reminded of ho …
The Discipline of God
In today’s passage, we find the teaching of discipline by our heavenly Father. There are at least three ways God could deal with us when we sin: First of all, God could condemn us – that would be legalism Then again God could condone us – that would be liberalism can correct …
The Place of Women in the Church
The emphasis in this passage is on the place of women in the local church. The word translated “subjection” (v. 11) is translated “submit” in Ephesians 5:21-22 and Colossians 3:18. It means literally to “rank under.” Anyone who has served in the armed forces knows that “rank” has to do …
Paul’s Salvation Testimony
Paul gives his personal testimony of the appearance of the Lord to him on the road to Damascus (vv. 6-7). So far as we know he had never known Jesus in the flesh. His first glimpse of Him was a blinding vision from heaven, and this became the driving, motivating force of his life. When he …