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The Plague of Hail

Date: October 27, 2020
Topic: Storms
Passage: Exodus 9:13–26

The next three plagues all distinctly point to heaven as their place of origin. God sent Moses to talk, early in the morning, with Pharaoh, again, before the next plague (v. 13). Because he would not let the Israelites go, God would be sending another plague (v. 14). He says that …

Do Not Rob God

Topic: Tithing
Passage: Malachi 3:7–18

In this passage we find that Israel was robbing God by not bringing their tithes and offerings and the result was famine due to the pests taking the vegetation and vines without grapes (Deut. 28:28-40). The tithe was part of the Mosaic Law (Lev. 27:28-40) which required that a tenth be given to …

An Opportunity to Make a Fresh Start

Topic: Promises
Passage: Jeremiah 31:31–40

In addition to a new beginning God promised to make a New Covenant with His people (vv. 31-37). Here is the promise of a “New Covenant.” This is the only mention of a “New Covenant” in the OT (v. 31). There are some differences between the old and new cove …

Joab’s Execution

Date: October 25, 2020
Topic: Faithfulness
Passage: 1 Kings 2:26–35

The removal of four men was imperative if Solomon’s throne was to remain secure. Already Adonijah has been lain. Now the second conspirator, Abiathar, has to be dealt with. He was the priest who though faithful to David, had supported Adonijah as his successor. He could have bee …

What does it mean to believe?

Date: October 24, 2020
Topic: Believe
Passage: John 3:13–24

No one has gone up to heaven except the Son of Man, who came down from there (v. 13). Sin caused God to punish the Israelites with fiery serpents that bit the people so that many died (Num. 21:4-9). God provided a remedy by commanding Moses to make a brass serpent, so that when a …

Three Cities of Refuge

Topic: Example
Passage: Deuteronomy 4:41–49

In this passage we find Moses setting apart three cities of refuge east of the Jordan River, where anyone who had accidentally killed someone without having any previous hostility could flee for safety. These cities were: Bezer on the wilderness plateau for the tribe of Reuben; Ramoth in …

Jesus Calls Lazarus Forth From the Grave

Date: October 22, 2020
Topic: Communion
Passage: John 11:38–44

Christ came to the tomb and ordered someone to roll away the stone. Martha objected to this strange request since Lazarus’ body would stink (vv. 38-39). Christ reminded her of His previous statements by saying, “Did I not say to you that if you would believe you would see the glory of …

How to Respond to Criticism

Date: October 21, 2020
Topic: Criticism
Passage: Jeremiah 18:18–23

The people refused to accept Jeremiah’s declaration of doom because it conflicted with the life they were enjoying (vv. 18-23). Proud sinners don’t enjoy hearing about God’s sovereignty or the threat of impending judgment. Their solution was to attack him with t …

The Ceremony for People Healed of Leprosy

Date: October 20, 2020
Topic: Ceremony
Passage: Leviticus 14:1–32

After you think you are healed of leprosy you must ask for a priest to come outside the camp and examine you (vv. 1-3). And if you are well, he will have someone bring out two live birds that are acceptable for sacrifice, together with a stick of cedar wood, a piece of red yarn, …

Failing to Live by The Truth of God’s Word

Date: October 19, 2020
Topic: Backslidden
Passage: Proverbs 14:13–17

Man is constantly striving to get ahead in this life and often leaves God out in the process. It may seem good at the time but in the end it will be death and eternal separation from God forever (v. 12). By his laughter a person may give the impression that he is enjoyi …

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