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The Generosity of Nehemiah
Nehemiah ruled as governor for twelve years in Jerusalem. During this time he did not take advantage of his position (v. 14). The governors who had ruled before him had heavily taxed the people (v. 15). He was more interested in serving the people than he was in fulfilling a voca …
The Stone That Made People Stumble
Paul quotes Hosea 2:23, which declares that God would turn from the Jews and would call the Gentiles (v. 25). He quotes Isaiah 10:22 and 23 to show us that only a remnant of Israel would be saved, and that the greater number would suffer judgment (vv. 27-28). Today only a remnant of …
Jesus Tells About Forgiveness and Faith
As Jesus travels toward Jerusalem and eventually the cross, He is teaching His disciples and preparing them for the time He will no longer be with them. In the passage we are reading today he is teaching them about forgiveness and faithfulness: Forgiveness (vv. 1- …
The Parable of the Wicked Farmers
Jesus compares his Father to a landlord in Luke 20. In this parable we learn that the Lord is a perfectly patient landlord (vv. 9-10). After his first servant is roughed up, he sent a second and they wounded him and threw him out (v. 11). Again he sends a third serv …
Suffering for God’s Glory
Peter is saying that through the fiery trials of persecution and suffering it gives us opportunity to examine our own lives and ministry. Through this refining process we should ask ourselves the following questions: 1. Why am I suffering? (v. 15). Peter makes it c …
When One Turns to The Lord The Veil is Removed
The Bible is basically a picture book as it uses illustration after illustration of real-life situations to get across to us Biblical principles of life. In this passage we find Paul using the experience of Moses given in Exodus 34:29-35. It tells how Moses’ face shone, reflecting the glory of God when …
Warning About False Teaching
Enoch appears only three times in the Word of God: In Genesis chapter 5:21-24, we are told of his birth, that he walked with God, that he gave birth to a son, and that he was raptured into heaven.In Hebrews 11:5, we read that he pleased God and that he was translated into …
Jotham Ruled as King For 16 years
Jotham was 25 years old when he became king of Judah and he ruled for 16 years (v. 1). Jotham also co-reigned with his son for four years so that the reference of 16 years does not include that period. He obeyed the Lord and was a faithful example of his father Uzziah, except he never burned …
The Rules of Kingdom Life
This portion of Scripture contains what is commonly called “The Golden Rule.” It is a mistake to think that our Lord was teaching a system of ethics that will do away with evil and raise us to a higher spiritual plane. The Jews despised the Romans because they oppressed …
Blessing of The Restored Nation
This chapter portrays the results of the atoning work of the Servant of the Lord and adds a further description of the previous chapter. The gentile nations are depicted as a barren and desolate woman who breaks forth into songs of praise because of her recent (assumed) mar …