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Peter Used by God in Joppa to Heal Beloved Dorcas
The scene now shifts to Peter, who was visiting the churches in Palestine. He came to Lydia, a predominately Gentile city about 25 miles from Jerusalem (v. 32). Possibly the church in Lydia had been founded by disciples fleeing from Jerusalem at the time of fierce persecution when …
Israel’s Final Triumph
At this point in the book, we find a change of emphasis. There is an extension of the theme of divine judgment from one specific enemy nation, Edom, to all the nations. A description is given of how all foreign nations hostile to the Lord’s people, will be consumed. Judgment is first …
It is Impossible to Separate Us From Christ
The verses in the closing part of this chapter contain some of the most comforting promises in all of Scripture. Believers have always had to face hardships in many forms. These could cause us to fear that we have been abandoned by Christ. However, Paul explains that it is imposs …
Experiencing The Joy of The Submissive Mind
Some people try to make verse 12 say we need to “work for our salvation” instead of “work out our salvation.” Paul is writing to people who are already Christians. He is telling them to put into practice in their daily living what God has already worke …
Parable of The Wedding Party
This parable is not to be confused with the parable of the great supper (Luke 14:16-24). The period described here must be after Jesus’ resurrection and ascension and the coming of the Holy Spirit. The Father is still inviting the people of Israel to come, in spite of what …
Sacrifices To Ask The Lord’s Blessing
III. THE PEACE (WEAVE OR HEAVE) OFFERING – Chapter 3The “peace (fellowship) offering” is the third sacrifice of worship. It represented the personal fellowship between God and each Israelite person that resulted from the relationship that God had established with the re …
A Complete Genealogy of The Israelites
This passage gives a complete genealogy of the Israelites and the list begins by mentioning Reuben and Simeon, the two oldest of the twelve sons of Jacob (vv. 14-15). The next name to appear is Levi, the third son of Jacob and Leah and the prominence given to him becomes apparent …
The Secret Message
As the disciples noticed a change in Jesus’ method of teaching they came and asked Him why He was speaking in parables. The Lord gave them three reasons: To make known to them the secrets of the kingdom of heaven (vv. 11-12). This referred to truths not revealed in the Old Testam …
Courageous and Shameless
Not ashamed is the key idea to this chapter. In this time of mounting persecution Timothy could have been afraid to continue preaching the gospel. Paul admonishes Timothy not to be ashamed in (v. 8). Paul gives a brief summary of the gospel by saying, God loves us, called us and …
Deliverance From Israel’s Enemy
This fifth “woe” is a brief summary of what Isaiah had already told the people. Their faith was in men and not in God (vv. 1-3). They trusted in “horses” and “chariots” and not in the hand of the Lord. God had warned the Jewish kings not …