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David Returns to Jerusalem
Joab is told of David’s “weeping” and “mourning” for his son Absalom (vv. 1-2). Instead of majoring on their triumph as an occasion for celebration the people sneak back into the city because cowardice has forced them to flee the battlefield (v. 3). …
Gedalliah is Made Ruler of Judah
Gedaliah, who was Josiah’s secretary of state, was appointed governor of Judah by Nebuchadnezzar. He set up his headquarters at Mizpah, which was about eight miles north of Jerusalem, because Jerusalem lay in ruins. The governor tried to convince a group of men who remaine …
Effects of Denying the Resurrection
What does it mean when it says to be “baptized for the dead” (v. 29)? The Bible Knowledge Commentary says that “up to 200 explanations have been given for this verse. Some, such as the Mormons, believe it means "proxy baptism”, where a believer is baptized on behalf of a dead …
Paul Surrenders His Rights
Different people serve God for different reasons. We know that there are definitely some motives that people have for serving God that are unacceptable. Jesus made it clear that striving for position and popularity are unacceptable motives for ministry. Greed is also an unacceptable motive for …
Instructions For Ordaining Priests
Just as Moses received the directions for building the tabernacle the directions for consecrating the priests are given in this chapter. The ones chose to begin the priesthood could not enter into the office without Moses conducting a solemn, seven day time of initiation (vv. 1-18). …
David’s Instructions to Solomon
During David’s last sickness, many chief priests and Levites were at Jerusalem. David called a meeting for all of Israel’s leaders, including the tribal leaders, the government officials, the army commanders, the officials in charge of the royal property, the palace officials, and the brave …
The Secret of Contentment
Paul was not the victim of circumstances but victorious over circumstances. Instead of having spiritual ups and downs as the situation changed, he went right on, steadily serving Christ. He found contentment in things Christ provided. At times Paul experienced definite fi …
David’s Prayer of Praise
David sings praises to the Lord before all the people (v. 10). He says that the God of Israel is to be praised forever for His greatness, power, glory, majesty and victory. He tells the Lord how His power is great and His glory is seen everywhere; both in the heavens and in all t …
Preach the Word
In this last chapter we have Paul’s last words to Timothy and to the church, “Preach the Word” (vv. 1-2) is the main responsibility Paul gives. This preaching must contain these three elements (v. 2): Bring conviction – “reprove"Give warning – “reb …
The Day of the LORD is Near
In yesterday’s passage, judgment was declared on those who practiced idolatry and refused to worship the Lord (vv. 4-6). Today’s passage will focus on the more everyday type of sin, the kind of wrongdoing that is so easy for us to ignore. It was customary to summon people to a sacrifice …