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David Motivates Solomon to Build The Temple

Date: September 15, 2021
Topic: Motivation
Passage: 1 Chronicles 22:11–19

David gives Solomon the reason why he should build the temple (vv. 11-13). He prays for Solomon that the Lord will keep his promise to help him build a temple (v. 11). He also asks the Lord to give Solomon wisdom and knowledge so he can rule Israel according to His law (v. 12). H …

The Good Shephard Knows His Sheep

Topic: Relationships
Passage: John 10:14–21

Some of the greatest people named in the Bible were shepherds by occupation. Abel, the patriarchs, Moses, and David to name a few. Besides being the only door into the sheepfold, Christ is also the good shepherd (v. 11). He is good because He giveth his life for the benefit of th …

The Fairness of God’s Judgment

Topic: Righteousness
Passage: Ezekiel 33:10–20

This passage emphasizes what is gained in life through turning to righteousness from wickedness. Ezekiel’s primary reference is to life after this present life. Now they seem to feel heavy guilt for rebelling against God for so many years. Therefore, God assured them of for …

Hushai Warns David to Escape

Topic: Warning
Passage: 2 Samuel 17:15–29

Having given Absalom advice, that if implemented would turn out well for David, Hushai now informs the priests Zadok and Abiathar who in turn through their sons Ahimaaz and Jonathan got  a warning to David to cross the river so he and his people won’t be wiped out (vv. …

Jesus Teaches About the Kingdom of God

Date: September 14, 2021
Topic: Kingdom
Passage: Luke 13:18–35

The general expectation in Jesus’ day was that the Messiah would come as a great king and leader, to set up His kingdom, and to free the nation from the rule of Rome. However, in the parable of the “mustard seed” (vv. 18-19) and the parable of “the leaven” …

Hezekiah Reforms Religious Life

Topic: Offering
Passage: 2 Chronicles 31:1–21

After the Passover the people went to every town in Judah destroying all the local shrines and foreign altars (v. 1). Then Hezekiah divided the priests and Levites into groups who were responsible for offering sacrifices to please the Lord (v. 2). He provided animals from his own …

Sins of Jerusalem

Topic: Indictment
Passage: Ezekiel 22:1–16

This chapter explains why Jerusalem’s judgment would come (vv. 1-16), how it would come (vv. 17-22), and who would be judged by it (vv. 23-31). The leaders were especially responsible for the moral climate of the nation because God chose them to lead. A very strong indic …

Ruth’s Commitment to Naomi

Date: September 11, 2021
Topic: Friendship
Passage: Ruth 1:15–22

Naomi told Ruth, “Orpah has gone back to her people and her gods, and you should go back with her” (v. 15). Ruth answers her by begging her not to make her go back and said she wanted to go where Naomi goes and to stay where Naomi stays (v. 16). She made it evident that this …

Pharisees Ask Jesus About Paying Poll Tax

Topic: Taxes
Passage: Mark 12:13–17

Herod the Great ruled all of Palestine as a Roman King. When he died in 4 B.C. his kingdom was divided into three parts of which Archelaus was given Judea and Samaria. He was a failure and in 6 A.D. the Romans stepped in and made Cyrenius governor with direct rule. This placed th …

The Day of the Lord

Topic: Tribulation
Passage: Isaiah 2:6–22

The phrase “replenished from the east” meant that they had become filled with the pagan influences from Assyria and Babylon to the east (vv. 6-7). The people were following practices of the Assyrian empire. Under the reign of evil kings, idol worship flourished in …

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