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A Merry Heart Is Like Medicine
Dishonesty does you no good, and telling lies will get you in trouble (v. 20). The person who becomes the parent of a self-confident fool does it to his sorrow, and the father of such has no joy in him (v. 21). When the heart is filled with joy a man’s whole being is refreshed. …
God’s Sovereignty in Shaping the World
These verses emphasize God’s role as sovereign king of the universe. We may make plans, but the answers are from God (v. 1). We think our ways are pure, but God weighs the motives of each of us (v. 2). It says that “the Lord weighs the spirits.” It takes …
A Leader Must Be a Servant
Jesus certainly did all He could to prepare His disciples for His death (vv. 17-19). For the fourth time we find Him telling them that He is going to die (12:30; 16:21; 12:22-23; and 20:17-19). He also tells them in this passage how He is going to die on the cross. However the di …
Daniel And The Lions Den
While the Babylonians were in a drunken stupor, Cyrus devised a plan for diverting the Euphrates river, that ran under the wall and through the city, from its old course to a new channel. Then the Mede and Persian Army, marched into the city by way of the almost dry riverbe …
David’s Song of Praise
This is David’s song of praise and is similar to Psalm 18. In this passage, David states the basic principles that the Lord follows in delivering or judging people: 1.  He declares why the Lord has delivered him from his enemies (vv.26-30). He tells how God will s …
Gifts For Building The Temple
Turning to the crowd once again, David appeals to them for assistance and support for Solomon because of his youth and lack of experience (vv. 1-5). This temple, he stressed, was not for a mere human but for the almighty God. The task was great and required a great amount of material …
Live Expecting The Lord’s Return
What would you like to be doing when Christ returns (v. 14). That is how you should be living every day. While you are waiting, you should make certain that the Lord finds you pure, spotless, and living at peace” (v. 14). We should be living in eager expectation. Don’t for …
God Chooses to Use Ordinary People
Agar the inspired writer of these verses is not mentioned anywhere else in Scripture and even though his father’s name is given there is no clue to his family or tribe in Israel. Ithiel and Ucal are appar¬ently his companions but are also unknown (v. 1). Agar seems to have been a plain and …
Israel Needs The Gospel
In this passage we find several reasons why the Jews rejected Jesus Christ as their Messiah. For many years they had known the Old Testament prophecies and had practiced the Law which pointed them to Christ (Galatians 3:24). A few accepted Him, but the majority refused Him. The …