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The Preparation of The Messiah

Date: October 1, 2021
Topic: Repentance
Passage: Matthew 3:1–6

In Matthew’s account of Jesus’ life here on earth he skips over the next 30 years or so and picks up with an introduction of John the Baptist (vv. 1-6). We find John preaching in the Judean wilderness which is along the western shore of the Dead Sea. He was a son of Zacharias and …

Athaliah’s Evil Reign in Judah

Topic: Warning
Passage: Isaiah 28:14–29

Shifting to the events in Judah we find Athaliah, the daughter of Ahab and Jezebel in control. She came to Judah in a marriage alliance, and established a power base during her husband Jehoram’s role and continued to hold this power during the brief reign of her son, Ahazi …

God Must be Number One

Date: September 30, 2021
Topic: Sin
Passage: Jeremiah 17:1–18

God’s people continued to sin even though they had the law, the prophets of God, and history filled with God’s miracles. Because of the people’s sin God would give the city of Jerusalem (His mountain in the land) and the wealth of its inhabitants as plunder (Jer …

Two Memorials of Stone are built

Date: September 27, 2021
Topic: Remembrance
Passage: Joshua 4:1–14

Memorial Day is a day of remembrance of lost loved ones. Memorial Day can be a day when we reflect upon any individual who has had an impact upon our lives, and with this in mind I want to reflect upon and remember how both the Lord and his Son, Jesus Christ, touched our lives. Let us …

Gentiles are Receptive to Paul’s Message

Topic: Envy
Passage: Acts 13:42–52

The Gentiles were very receptive to Paul’s message and wanted him to tell them more (vv. 42-43). The next Sabbath a great crowd, which probably was made up of mostly Gentiles, gathered to hear Paul (v. 44). This made the Jews very envious and angry (v. 45). The Jewish leaders started to …

Jarius’s Daughter is Healed

Topic: Death
Passage: Luke 8:40–56

When Jesus returned to Capernaum a great crowd gathered around Him (v. 40). Jairus, a ruler of the synagogue meets Christ with an urgent request. He had a young daughter, twelve years of age, who was critically ill and about to die (vv. 41-42). Before Jesus got away from the …

Proof that Jesus is God

Topic: Trust
Passage: 1 John 5:6–08

A person who trusts Christ is born of God and is able to overcome the world (v. 6). It appears that the term “water” is a reference to the baptism of Jesus by which His public ministry was initiated (Matt. 3:13-17). “Blood” refers to His death, by which His ea …

Results of The Captivity

Date: September 26, 2021
Topic: Honor
Passage: Isaiah 56:1–12

After a lengthy review of Israel’s sin the writer covers Israel’s deportation (v. 24). The policy of Assyria toward conquered lands was to deport many of the most influential inhabitants. Then many leading Assyrians were imported to take their place. Because these new people …

Paul Faith Validates God’s Work in their Midst

Topic: Faith
Passage: Acts 28:7–10

Paul continued to minister to others, even as a ship-wrecked prisoner. On this trip alone, his centurion, the chief official of Malta, and many others were affected. Is it any wonder that the Gospel spread like wildfire? How do we interpret signs and wonders? We first need to go …

The Promise of Rest

Date: September 25, 2021
Topic: Rest
Passage: Hebrews 4:1–11

In this passage we find the word “rest” mentioned nine times (vv. 1-11). God has provided a “rest” and that “rest” can still be known today. The reference to Jesus also involves Joshua of the Old Testament (v. 8). The two words, Joshua and Jesu …

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