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Pride And Anger Work Against Humility
IV. Four Unbearable things in Leadership (vv. 21-23). a. Inexperience / unqualified people elevated to leadership (v. 22). b. A fool with plenty to eat while others go hungry (v. 22). …
Christ on a white horse
This begins with the angel refusing to accept John’s worship because only God is worthy of worship (v. 10). Like John it would be easy for us to get caught up in all that is happening, but we must keep Jesus as the central focus of God’s revelation and His redemptive plan as revealed to us …
Like it or not we are in warfare
It is sometimes helpful to pick out certain verses of a biblical passage which summarize in concise terms what the passage is all about. The phrase that, perhaps, best summarizes this entire letter is “Wage the good warfare, holding faith and a good conscience” (vv. 1 …
Being a Servant To All Men
The sole reward that Paul desired was to be able to preach “the gospel of Christ without charge.” Someone might ask the question, with all the freedom in the world open to him, why did the apostle Paul restrict himself so severely? The answer is “that I might gain the more.” (v. 19) In other words, …
Moral Directions
In this chapter, as throughout this whole letter, it is evident that God is not interested in religion, but in life that produces the evidences of our faith. Real love for others produces tangible actions:Open to strangers (vv. 1-2). A Christian home should be a center of hospita …
The People Afraid of God’s Presence
Moses rehearses for this younger generation going into the Promised Land the tremendous experience of receiving the law directly from God (vv. 22-26). The children of Israel promised to keep the Law, but they did not do it (v. 27). These people were under favorable conditions, living …
Where is Wisdom Found
“Where is wisdom found?” is Job’s key question (vv. 12, 20). To answer his own question he states that it can not be found among the living (vv. 13-14). Job asked this question because he was weary of the cliches and platitudes that his three friends were giving …
David Hides From Saul in The Cave of Adullham
David’s next move is to the cave of Adulham, which is about 20 miles southwest of Jerusalem and 10 miles northeast of Gath (v.1). David wrote Psalm 34 while he was here at Adullam’s Cave. On the run from mad king Saul, hold up in a cave with all these needy men coming to him. I …
Jesus Predicts His Death
Peter and the other disciples had paid a high price by leaving their homes and jobs to follow Jesus (v. 28). But Jesus reminded Peter that following him has its benefits as well as its sacrifices. They had begun to pay the price of following Jesus and He said they would be …
Penalties For Breaking His Laws
Chapter 20 deals with the sanctity of judgment, In this chapter God gives to Moses the penalties for breaking His laws. It is addressed to the community and states these penalties. The verses in this chapter explain the punishments for specified crimes. The crimes identified in t …