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What Can We do in Difficult Times?
Jeremiah was imprisoned, yet God gave him instruction in prayer. What can we do in difficult times? God invites us to call on Him. Like Jeremiah we can respond to God’s invitation to prayer. 1. His prompting – “Call on me” (v. 33a). 2. His promise – (v. 33b). (a …
The Outcast Vine
The prophet perhaps anticipates the arguments of the wicked people in Jerusalem. They reason that God has chosen them and blessed them in an unusual way? Surely he cannot cast them as “rubbish.” Ezekiel, however, says he can, and will. He goes to compare th …
Moral And Ceremonial Principles
Various laws for the Israelites are outlined in this passage: I. Things that merited death: 1. Fortune telling and controlling others by demonic power (v. 18). 2. Sexual intercourse with an animal (v. 19). 3. Worship of any false …
Prayer Requested
Acts of kindness and sharing are particularly pleasing to God, even when they go unnoticed by others (vv. 15-16). The task of church leaders is to help people to mature in Christ. Cooperative followers greatly ease the burden of leadership (v. 17). We find the writer emphasizing …
Hospitality Includes Ministering to One another
In view of the possibility of the Lord’s return Peter admonishes the believers to be “sober” (v. 7). It seems that he was telling them not to get out of balan¬ce in their emphasis of prophecy. If we think right and pray right our living should be right …
Israel Rejects God And Demands a King
Many People are painfully aware that things would be far better in their lives if they had made wiser decisions. It is especially frustrating to realize what they are going through now is the result of one poor decision in our lives. This is such a time in the life of Israel.When …
Response To a World Dying in Sin
Jeremiah pictured the panic of the people when God’s judgment began. They would flee to the fortified cities knowing that God had doomed them to perish. Their hope for peace was gone and the terror of the Babylonians filled the land. As the enemies’ horses stampeded f …
Turning Back to The Lord
Hosea called for repentance (vv. 1-3) and God promised restoration (vv. 4-8). God had to punish Israel for its gross and repeated violation of His law, but He would do so with a heavy heart. The preceding chapters have painted a very drab picture (v. l). Now the prophet instructs them to return …
Four riders on different horses
Chapter 6 is a pivotal chapter in the book of Revelation. By this time the Christians have been raptured (I Thessalonians. 5:13-18). It describes the first six seal judgments and introduces the seventh seal. The day of the Lord and the time of God’s judgments on earth before Christ visually …
Solomon’s Prayer of Dedication
In this section we find a magnificent dedicatory prayer by Solomon. He first stood beside the altar and then fell to his knees (v. 54). He began his prayer with worship and praise to God for His faithfulness as prayer should be and not with requests. He then proceeded to petition …