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Jesus is Crucified
Becoming even more fearful and realizing that Jesus is innocent, Pilate again attempted to release Him (v. 12). With this, the crowd started to accuse Pilate of being a traitor to Caesar. He knew that if the Jews contacted Caesar and told him that Pilate had released a man who threatened Roman …
Remember Where You Came From
The Bible is not simply a book of religious ideas or good moral advice; it is the very Word of God. It is “profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness” (II Timothy 3:16). Someone has said; doctrine tells us what is right, …
Christ Brings Division
In three short passages Jesus characterizes the times. Things are not going to go smoothly. Jesus’ ministry will bring division (vv. 49-53). But anyone who is observant can read the times and know that God is at work (vv. 54-56). Most importantly, the disciples had better set …
The Last Supper
Jesus eats His last meal with His disciples. This was the Passover meal (vv. 14-20). As it was drawing to a close, He instituted the ordinance that the church calls"Communion” or “The Lord’s Supper.” The bread and wine represented Christ’s broken b …
The law reveals sin but doesn’t take it away
At the heart of the Jewish Law was the ten commandments. Yet apparently, as dogmatic as these false teachers were, they really didn’t understand God’s law. God’s law is like a medicine prescribed by our doctor. If we use the medicine the way its prescribed, it w …
The Provision of Water at Marah
Just after God’s special provision of escape and victory the Israelites were tested. It might have seemed nice to linger at the seaside and praise the Lord but they needed to follow His leading. Leaving the Red Sea area the pillar of cloud lead the Israelites into the …
Goliath Challenges The Israelites
Chapter 17 of this book is one of the most familiar in the Bible. This wonderful review of history concerning David and Goliath reveals more than human bravery. It reveals that even as a boy David had a heart for God. Sometime after David had commenced his role as Saul’s musician …
Giving of Money and Time
In this passage, Paul answers a question the Corinthian believers had asked about a collection he was taking for the poor and then shares his personal travel plans. The Corinthians had heard from the Galatian churches that he was taking an offering for the poor in Jerusalem. How we handle our …
Some of The Consequences of Adultery
This chapter is filled with strong warning against sexual sin. If any fall prey to a strange woman and her wicked seduction it is not because of lack of warning but because of willful neglect of instruction. Temptation in these matters has always been in the forefront of ma …
Diversity of Spiritual Gifts
In verses 1-11, Paul talked about Holy Spirit’s role in empowering believers with various spiritual gifts. There are a variety of gifts, but it’s the same God who does all the giving (vv. 4-6). Each gift is given for the common good of all (v. 7), so if your supposed “gift” is only benefiting you, you …