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Saul’s Predicament
Saul was now in quite a predicament (vv. 15-18). The battle is about to begin. We can see here the real danger of disarmament. Samuel deserted him. He had left Gilgal bound for Gibeah of Benjamin. Saul would not have the benefit of prophetic guidance. Then Saul numbered “the …
God’s judgment on the Midianites
Moses’ last assignment was to carry out the Lord’s vengeance on the Midianites; then he would meet “the last enemy” which is death. The Midianites (v. 2) were a nomadic people who descended from Abraham through his second wife Keturah (Gen. 25:1). Because the Midianites …
A Lion Kills The Man of God
The old prophet announced the fate of the younger prophet (vv. 20-22). He had disobeyed the Lord’s command and God’s judgement would be severe. The severity of this judgement was due to the importance of this young man’s mission. Even though the old prophet had sinned, the w …
Jesus is Rejected at Nazareth
This portion of Scripture could be titled – “Hometown Boy Returns Home.” The scene is in the synagogue at Nazareth. Visualize our Lord back in His home town in the synagogue where he had worshiped as a lad (vv. 14-17). The news had spread rapidly about the mir …
Keep The Kings Command
The person who has been changed by wisdom can at least grasp the problems of society and how to deal with them. The first question in this chapter is how should we relate to authority?Obedience (vv. 2-8) – There is no way a Christian can argue a biblical case for civil disobedien …
Absalom Flees to Geshur
Absalom has run away and one of the guards noticed a lot of people on the road to Horonaim so he told the king (v. 34). Jonadab said to the king, here come your sons (v. 35) and no sooner had he said it than David’s sons came in weeping and David and all his officials also began …
The Church at Ephesus Lost Its First Love
Keep in mind that the seven churches addressed in these letters by John were actual churches which existed in the cities mentioned. These churches were representatives of all churches at that time as well as in subsequent generations. Each letter contains commendation, condemnation, exhortation, …
The Results of Refusing to Receive Correction
Jerusalem was about to fall into the hands of the political enemy from without because of the spiritual enemies of God working from within. Jeremiah is commanded to search Jerusalem and Judah for a man. He searched among the common people in the city squares, but he found none (v …
How to Deal with Trials
In these verses three things are mentioned as necessary for dealing with the tests of life in a successful way. These are: Wisdom (v. 5a) – Divine wisdom is not some philosophic speculation and intellectual knowledge but is a quality of life whereby a person knows and practi …
Continual Prayer Brings Results
Perhaps you have heard it said, “Never underestimate the power of prayer.” In this exciting drama of Acts chapter 12 you can see the reality of this statement. In fact, it tells us much about prayer. In verse five we read that prayer was made …