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Qualities Needed in Trials

Date: May 8, 2019
Passage: James 1:19–27

The thought of this scripture passage, as it pertains to the Word of God, may be described as follows: (1) It demands attention (vv. 19-20). We don’t hear enough because we are too quick to speak. The Lord gave us two ears and one mouth for a reason. (2) It demands reception (v. 21) …

The Genealogy of Jesus

Topic: Genealogies
Passage: Luke 3:23–38

Luke recorded that Jesus was about 30 years old when He began His ministry (v. 23). Luke apparently used the term “about 30” to indicate that He was well prepared for ministry. The two genealogies of our Savior are found in the first chapter of Matthew and here in …

Servitude Under the Philistines and Ammonites

Date: May 1, 2019
Topic: Servitude
Passage: Judges 10:1–9

After Abimelech, Tola arose to rescue Israel (vv. 1-2). We know little about this sixth judge. He was a member of the tribe of Issachar and his regime lasted 23 years. Apparently, nothing outstanding occurred during his reign. Jair was the seventh judge who apparently was wealthy …

David’s Census of Israel And Judah

Topic: Anger
Passage: 2 Samuel 24:1–17

The anger of the Lord was very intense against Israel because of an unspecified sin and thus David was moved to take a census in Israel and Judah (v. 1). This happened because the Lord through Satan  incited David against Israel (I Chron. 21:1). Since taking a census was not …

The Lord’s Answer to Hezekiah’s Prayer

Topic: Achievement
Passage: 2 Kings 19:20–37

The Lord’s answer to Hezekiah’s request in the previous verses is recorded in the remaining verses of this chapter. This answer came through Isaiah and was delivered to the king by a messenger. He assured Hezekiah that he would be safe in Jerusalem and judgement would come to S …

Jerusalem is Captured

Date: April 29, 2019
Topic: Captured
Passage: Jeremiah 52:1–11

It is thought that chapter 52 of the book of Jeremiah was written approximately 25 years after the rest of the book. No one knows for sure who wrote this chapter but it is thought that he was also responsible for completing the book of II Kings. It is nearly identical to II Kings …

Jesus Gives Peace

Date: April 28, 2019
Topic: Peace
Passage: John 20:19–23

In this passage we read about the resurrection peace that is available to us in Jesus Christ (vv. 19-23). The timing of this event is about 12 hours after the first witness saw Jesus who had risen from the grave. The scene is a private home in Jerusalem. In His resurrection body, He was able to enter …

Warns The Believers of Scoffers

Topic: Scoffers
Passage: 2 Peter 3:1–7

Peter in this passage does not try to reveal something new but he asks the readers to reflect on things which were told them by the apostles (vv. 1-2). He points out that one characteristic of the last days is that those who live primarily for the things of this world will doub …

The People Remember How they have Suffered

Date: April 25, 2019
Topic: Appeal
Passage: Lamentations 5:1–6

This entire chapter is a prayer composed of two sections. The first part is a call for God to remember their condition (vv. 1-18). This also includes a confession of sin. After this is a call for God to restore Judah (vv. 19-22). In context this is a call to restore both the land …

God Assigns Spiritual Gifts

Passage: 1 Corinthians 12:27–31

For a third time, Paul stresses the fact that God, not man, assigned the gifts (vv. 18, 24, 28). God gives to each person and each congregation just the gifts it needs when they are needed. No individual believer possesses all the spiritual gifts. Each believer has the gift (or gifts) assigned to …

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