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Sacrifices Can be Meaningless
The people of Judah offered all the correct sacrifices, but they failed to obey God and to walk in His ways (vv. 21-29). Verse 22 is not to be understood as a denial that God commanded the sacrifices to be made. Rather it is an argument against substituting sacrifice for obedience …
Jesus Takes 3 of His Disciples To a High Mountain
Jesus tells the crowd that some of the people standing before Him will not die before they will see the kingdom of God come in power (v. 1). This portion of scripture is referred to as the transfiguration. The word means to change a figure into another form. It preceded Jesus&rsq …
Losing Religion to Find Salvation
In chapter one we learned that circumstances can rob us of our joy. In chapter two Paul showed us how people can also rob us of our joy. Now in chapter three he shows us how we need to be careful as things will also rob us of our joy (v. 7). It is very easy for us to get …
Exhortations to Obedience
“The law was given by Moses but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ” (John1:17). The law was truth but it was truth without grace. The believer is under grace and not under the law (Romans 6:14). However, he who loves the Lord will certainly want to do His will w …
The Lord Hates Dishonesty And Pride
It is a serious matter when Christians follow the world in dishonest business methods of the day. The Lord hates dishonest scales and is pleased with accurate weights (v. 1). During these Old Testament times many merchants used two sets of stone weights when weighing mercha …
Properties of the City and the Priest
In the division of the land Israel is to present to the Lord a portion of the land as a sacred district (vv. 1-6). This rectangle of land will be divided into two equal portions, each about 8.3 miles long and about 3.3 miles wide. The first portion, in which will be locat …
Song of Praise to The Lord
In this chapter the Lord tells how He will restore the nation. The emphasis is on righteousness and peace. Peace may be outward and inward. Isaiah pictured the day when Christ will return to establish physical peace in the world. The picture is one of the redeemed enterin …
Simon Commanded to Carry The Cross
Jesus was led into the courtyard of the Governors’ official residence. They called together a “band” of Roman soldiers which were one-tenth of a legion and that usually consisted of about six hundred men (v. 16). They put a purple robe on Jesus and made a crown …
Saved In a Fiery Trial
Although angry at these three young men for refusing to bow down to the image, the king did not order their immediate destruction, but instead offered them another chance. They steadfastly refused to worship the image and expressed their confidence that God was able to de …
The Beast from the Sea
Chapter 13 gives much insight into what will take place during the last three and one half hears of the Tribulation. A study of Daniel 7; 9 and 11 will be very helpful to the understanding of this vital chapter. It will be a time of one world government and one world religion with one economic system…