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Division of the "spoils” from the war.
This section of Scripture deals with the confiscated spoils from the war, and it is truly amazing (vv. 25-54). All captives and goods were to be divided according to a strict formula. Moses told the soldiers not to keep for themselves all the booty they had taken, but to give a p …
Saul’s Rebellion Concerning Agag
Saul is given specific instructions, through Samuel, to “smite the Amalekites and utterly destroy them (vv. 1-3).” We do not know for sure from scripture why God gave this command for utter destruction but possibly it was because they were a band of guerrilla terrorists …
The Annihilation of Nineveh
Nineveh had repented under Jonah’s preaching (Jonah 3:10). Nearly 150 years later she had returned to her wicked ways. The Holy Spirit gives a vision of this great city’s impending judgment to Nahum (v. 1). The annihilation of Nineveh is seen against the background of God’s divine …
Job’s Repentance And Restoration
This chapter contains Job’s final words. He humbled himself before the Lord and acknowledged His power and justice in everything (vv. 1-2). Throughout the book, Job’s friends had asked him to admit his sin and ask for forgiveness. In this chapter, Job repents but ironic …
God Blesses His People
Joel lists four significant events toward which history has long been pointing: (1) The assembling of troops (vv. 9-11). Tools are turned into weapons as the nations assemble for battle (v. 10). The Lord destroys his enemies like a farmer harvesting his grain. (2) The judgment of the nations …
Glory Only in the Lord
It was Abraham Lincoln who said, “God must have loved the common people, since He made so many of them.” I would modify that to say, “God must have loved the common people, since He made the way of salvation plain enough to be grasped by all.” From the human viewpoint, wisdom, …
The Genealogy of David
Ruth and Boaz were married and lived happily there in Bethlehem. Naomi was happy too, for Ruth and Boaz were good to her. In their home was born a baby boy who was named Obed (v. 13). And the women said to Naomi, Blessed be the Lord, Who has not left you this day without a close …
Heads of Families Return With Ezra
This chapter contains a list of those who returned with Ezra to Jerusalem (vv. 1-14). This was a much smaller group than the one that had returned with Zerubbabel earlier. Those returning with Ezra totaled 1496 males plus 18 heads of families. It is interesting to see how the nam …
David Recruits Leaders to Build The Temple
David was about 70 years of age when Solomon, his son, was made king (v. l), also 1 Kings 1:11-40). census was taken and the total number of Levites from the age of thirty years and upward was 38,000 (v. 3). This census (unlike the previous one) only counted the Levites, those set apart to …
God Alone Gives Contentment
Solomon directs us to eye God as our judge (v. 8), Shows the vanity of riches (vv. 9-17), and recommends the cheerful use of what God has given us (vv 18-20). Not only should we never underestimate God but we should be careful not to overestimate man. Any philos …