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The Returning Remnant of Israel
Once Assyria’s army was destroyed, a small group of God’s people would stop relying on Assyria and start trusting God (vv. 20-23). Those who remained faithful to God despite the horrors of the invasion are called the remnant. The key to being a part of the remnant was fai …
The Horrors of a Civil War
Her second advance against the Benjamites was again fiercely checked as 18,000 of her warriors lay dead on the field of battle (vv. 24-25). Perhaps one reason the Lord permitted Israel to have these initial defeats was to bring then to a point of repentance. Now fasting and the offering of …
Fulfilment of Prophecy
There were four Roman soldiers at the crucifixion. These four divided up Jesus’ clothes, which would have included his robe, his sandals, his belt, and his head covering. Each would have received one of these. His Tunic, however, was woven in one piece from top to bottom. They did …
Jesus Prediction of His Betrayal
In this passage, Christ told His disciples to brace themselves because He was leaving. He clearly stated that one of the disciples would betray Him (vv. 21-22). The disciples were shocked in amazement and looked at each other in disbelief (v. 23). Simon Peter, the leader of the twelve, …
The Jerusalem Council
The idea of salvation through faith in Christ alone, apart from works, is not an easy one to grasp. It’s tempting to add regulations onto faith. This is what the Jerusalem Council sought to address. The inciting incident was the arrival of some well-meaning but legalistic Jewish teachers in …
Early Church Persecuted for their Faith
This chapter records the first persecutions of the early church. In the Gospels we find great opposition coming from the Pharisees. However, As Peter and John were speaking to the people they were confronted by a group of Sadducees and arrested (vv. 1-4). In Acts it is the Sadducees …
144,000 during the Tribulation
The beginning of chapter 14 refers to the preservation of the 144,000 during the Tribulation. Moving into chapters 14 and 15 we see various details of what is happening in heaven and on the earth just before the bowl judgements in chapter 16…
A Child Is Known By His Deeds
A person’s behavior reflects his character. Even a child’s actions and conduct reveal what they are like We all must do the things that please God (v. 11). That is why it is important to not only listen to what people say but also to observe with our eyes what people do (v. 12). Sleeping when …
The Grief of Wisdom
Beginning with the twelfth verse of this chapter the writer moves away from the abstract ideas to some concrete examples. He explains how absolutely futile it is when life asks us to straighten something that is crooked or to count something that is not there (v. l5).Solomon high …