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Giving is More Blessed Than Receiving
Paul, writing from Macedonia, hoped that news of the generosity of these churches would encourage the Corinthian believers, motivate them to solve their problems, and unite the fellowship. He is usually thought of as being a great theologian and missionary. However, what is often not …
The History of Patriarchal Genealogies
Genealogies often introduce stories, but in Chronicles genealogies seem to be the story. We find in this chapter the historical records from Adam to Abraham …
Who is on the Lord’s Side?
Israel gathered 32,000 troops at a spring called Hard at the foot of Mt. Gilboa (v. 1). However, the Lord objected to this number and commanded Gideon to send those who were afraid back home which amounted to two thirds of the men (vv. 2-3). Again, the Lord objected to the size of Gideon’s …
The Need For Humility
Selfishness and disunity of God’s people was and continues to be a big problem. By nature, all of us are rebels who want to be celebrities instead of servants. The disciples were no exception; they wanted to know who was greatest in the kingdom (v.1). In this passage Jesus teache …
I have two dogs living in me
When a person receives Christ as his personal Savior, tremendous spiritual changes take place:He is given a new standing called “justification."He is given a new position called “sanctification."He is given a new nature called “regeneration.” A …
The Work of The Levites
This passage centers around the duties of the Priests and Levites. The Priests and Levites had different jobs in and around the temple. The Priests were authorized to perform the sacrifices while the Levites were set apart to help the Priests. The Levites did the work of el …
Three Aspects of Romantic Love
Here the maiden speaks of herself as a Rose of Sharon and the Lily of the Valley, which were flowers that were commonly found in Israel (vv. 1-2). It seems that she is saying, “I am only one among a host of others. Why would you choose me?” No, the groom replies, you are not ordinary …
An Honest Ruler Makes a Nation Strong
A man who stubbornly refuses correction destroys himself and any hope he may have for the future (v. 1). I can think of several men who destroyed their ministry by refusing to admit their error. When righteous leaders are in control even the unbelievers will be glad. On the other hand, when …
Daniel Prays For The People
At this time, Daniel was an old man, nearing ninety years of age. He had served through many changes of dynasty in the kingdom of Babylon, having been the prime minister of the kingdom under three successive kings. As the account tells us in the opening verses, he is readin …
Loyalty to a Group or to God?
While the Rechabites obeyed and followed the teachings of Jonadab their father, Israel had neither obeyed the Lord nor followed His instructions. The Rechabites were more loyal to their earthly father and his human judgments than the people of Israel were to their Creator God. (v …