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We May Be The Only Bible Some People Read
These legalistic false teachers boasted that they carried "letters of recommendation” from the “important people” in the Jerusalem church. They said, “Where is his letter of recommendation? Does he have a letter of approval from the apostolic council in Jerusalem? If so, let him produce …
Living Under Authority
Paul is this Ephesian passage is telling servants to be obedient because they are really serving Christ and because doing a good job is the will of God (vv. 5-7). Slaves played a significant part in this society. There were probably over 6 million slaves in the Roman Empire in th …
The Ark of the Covenant Was Moved to The Temple
Upon completion of the temple, Solomon had all the elders of Israel and the tribal leaders assemble at Jerusalem for a great ceremonial occasion. He put in its storage rooms everything the Lord had dedicated to the Lord (v. 1). The ark of the covenant was to be brought from its temporary tent in …
Qualifications for Leadership
Paul begins a series of closing remarks, exhortations, challenges, and greetings. Faith, conviction, courage, and love are essential ingredients for success and victory. As the Corinthians wait for Paul’s next visit, he exhorts them to a fivefold commitment: …
Law as it Relates to The Ten Commandments
Chapter 19 deals with the sanctity of law. The regulations given here aren’t arranged in any particular order, but that which ties them together is their relationship to the 10 commandments. 1. Be holy (vv. 1-2) 2. Honor to parents (v. 3). 3. Honoring the Sabbath (v. 3) …
Nathan And Bathsheba Counsel With David
Nathan spoke to Bath-sheba … “let me … give thee counsel.” A revolt was defeated by this prophet, who, knowing the Lord’s will (2Sa 7:12; 1Ch 22:9), did so in accordance with his character and office. Up to this point the succession of the Hebrew …
Boaz marries Ruth
The shoe symbolized motion and wandering. To make a sale legal in those days, one person would take off a sandal and give it to the other (v.7). So after the man had agreed to let Boaz buy the property, he took off one of his sandals and handed it to Boaz (v. 8). The shoe a …
Is Divorce Permissable?
The religious leaders had tried on several occasions to trick Jesus with questions and had failed. Now we find them trying again with a very controversial issue. Is it ever right for a man to divorce his wife (vv. 1-3)? It is interesting how Jesus answers by saying, “H …
God’s Sovereignty Through The Storms
Nothing can compare to God. His power and presence are awesome and when He speaks we need to listen (vv. 1-4), in spite of the fact that His greatness is beyond human comprehension (v. 5). There is even the demonstration of God’s power in the snow and frost (v. 6). Workers …
The Defeat of Gideon’s Foes
The Israelites strategy unfolded as the 300 soldiers were divided into three companies (v. 16). Each warrior had a trumpet and a pitcher containing a lamp. When Gideon gave the signal, all acted at the same time (vv. 17-18). They blew the trumpets, shattered the pitchers, raised the lamps, and …