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Counsel for those Married to Non-Christians

Date: September 11, 2020
Topic: Divorce
Passage: 1 Corinthians 7:12–16

In the previous passage it has been clear that the instructions were for cases where both the husband and wife were Christians. Now the apostle speaks of the situation where, after marriage one spouse becomes saved and the other is not. The question is asked, does this make it permissible for the …

Unfair and Unreasonable Treatment

Topic: Fairness
Passage: Matthew 5:33–42

The Lord addresses the matter of oath making of which the Pharisees were notorious for (vv. 33-36). Don’t make a promise unless you are going to keep it (v. 33). The basis for Old Testament oath-taking is found in (Lev.19:12), (Deut. 23:21) and (Num. 30:2). Oaths take …

The Commission of Gideon

Date: September 9, 2020
Topic: Coward
Passage: Judges 6:11–24

God used a coward to lead a nation of cowards. Gideon, the fifth judge, was the youngest son, of the poorest family in Israel. The “angel of the Lord” appeared to Gideon. Gideon was thrashing grain in a covered shelter where grapes were pressed into wine because he was trying to hide his …

Be Reconciled to God

Topic: Salvation
Passage: 2 Corinthians 5:14–21

In verses 14 and 15 Paul comes to two conclusions: 1. The total depravity of man (v. 14). If Christ died for all, then all must be dead in their trespasses and sin …

Babylon Will be Disgraced

Date: September 7, 2020
Topic: Bragging
Passage: Jeremiah 50:11–20

Jeremiah now focuses on Judah’s enemy, the empire of Babylon. Babylon sinned in proudly destroying Judah. God is not pleased with those who rejoice in destroying others and brag about it. Because of this he vowed to disgrace Babylon by destroying it so completely that those …

Obedience Brings Life

Topic: Commitment
Passage: Deuteronomy 30:15–20

As we think about Israel’s future, their stay in the land will be determined by their obedience (vv. 15-16). Some day He will return them to the Land, and they shall never go out again. When He brings them back, they will obey Him. Moses never taught the Israelites that they were justified …

Adopting a War-time mindset

Topic: Warfare
Passage: 1 Corinthians 7:25–31

Paul now turns his attention to those about to be married: the betrothed. Jesus never gave instruction for those about to be married (v. 25a). Paul was confident, however, that his counsel, through the Holy Spirit, would be accurate and helpful (v. 25b). The question was, “Must a …

Steps to Problem Solving

Date: September 5, 2020
Passage: Matthew 14:13–21

When Jesus heard the news of John’s murder He quickly withdrew from that area and went by ship to a lonely place (v. 13). The people watched where Jesus and His disciples were going and a great crowd walked along the shore and met Him when He landed (v. 14). Although Jesus desper …

Sacrifice for the sin of ignorance

Topic: Omission
Passage: Numbers 15:17–41

The Lord asked Moses to tell the Israelites when they eat food they shall set apart a portion of it for the Lord called a heave offering (vv. 17-21). If they have erred or not observed these commandments they will have to make a sin offering (vv. 22-23). The sacrifices described …

The People Disobeyed And Went to Egypt

Date: September 4, 2020
Topic: Disobedience
Passage: Jeremiah 43:1–13

Isn’t it strange after forty years or more of Jeremiah’s ministry of highest integrity, they dared to say, “You are telling a lie. God didn’t send you” (vv. 1-2). They justified it by blaming someone else. “Baruch did it” (v. 3). The fles …

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