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The Just Live By Faith
I personally believe this passage was written to believers and follows in the sequence with the other four warnings. Dr. Warren Wiersbe, in his commentary on Hebrews, suggests the following outline: The believer who begins to drift from the Word (2:1-4) will soon start to doubt t …
Proclamation Against Tyre
Chapters 26 and 27 are a prophesy against Tyre, the capital of Phoenicia just north of Israel. Part of the city was on the coastline, and part was on a beautiful island. The sin of Tyre is cited in this passage (vv. 1-6). The eleventh year (v. 1) is in reference to the re …
Jesus Heals Many People
At the conclusion of the service at the synagogue Jesus goes to the home of Simon Peter. Peter’s mother-in-law was very sick “with a great fever” (v. 38). In a moment Jesus heals her and she is able to “minister unto them” (v.39). It is quite evident from …
The Widow’s Offering
From the offering of this poor widow we learn that what we rightly give for the relief of the poor, and the support of God’s worship, is given unto God. We learn about a woman who understood the principle of giving. God doesn’t call us to give for the sake of giving. Givi …
What is The Unpardonable Sin
A man is brought to Jesus in who was blind, unable to speak and possessed with a demon. Jesus immediately healed him and the people were astonished (v. 22-23). The Pharisees accused Him of doing this in the power of Satan. Jesus gave three arguments to answer them: If He cast out …
Paul’s Faith Validates God’s Work
The island of Malta is located 60 miles south of Sicily. The ship was lost but all 276 of the men were saved by the hand of God. The inhabitants of the island showed great kindness to the shipwrecked men (vv. 1-2). As Paul was throwing wood on the fire a poisonous snake fastened …
The command to build God’s house
The opening verses of Haggai delivered a message by the prophet, from the Lord, to a nation who had failed to rebuild the temple. The Jews who had returned from Babylon in 538 B.C. to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem were not able to finish their job because they were hindered by …
Solomon Pronounces The Benediction
Solomon had been kneeling in prayer with his hands lifted toward heaven (v. 54). Now he arose and faced the people and he pronounces the benediction. In this he makes a threefold request: 1. He asked that God be with them as He had been with their fathers (vv. 57-58). 2. …
Jesus Celebrates the Passover
Nothing is told us in any of the Gospels of Jesus’ character and work from his infancy until the age of thirty, except here. This incident is recorded to teach us about the developing ministry and wisdom of the Lord in his youth. At Passover time every year each Jewish family …
The Believers Responsibilities to God’s Truth
At this point in his letter Paul switches from prophecy to practical Christian living. He turns from Satan’s lies to God’s truth and from warning to thanksgiving and prayer. He explains how every believer has the following responsibilities to God’s truth:Believe …