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The Death of Jesus on The Cross
Mark indicates that the crucifixion began around nine o’clock in the morning (Mark 15:25 “third hour”). From then until noon Jesus repeatedly prayed “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do” (Lk. 24:34). He spoke to the repentant thief …
God Will Restore Israel
God promised the exiles in Babylon that He would continue to be with them even though they were not in Jerusalem (vv. 14-15). This was a major concern to the Jews because they believed that God was present primarily in the temple. However God assured them that He would co …
The Title, Purpose And Motto of The Book
This book is compiled by Solomon, David’s wise, wealthy and famous son who was his successor to Israel’s throne (v. 1). He was David’s 10th son. It’s purpose in general is to help us acquire and apply God’s wisdom to the decisions and activities of daily life. Proverbs was writte …
Judgment Must Come Before Blessing Can Come
Israel’s condition was critical (vv. 12-15). Her wound appeared incurable, and no one was available to provide a remedy for her sore (v. 12). The allies in whom the nation had placed such great hope had forgotten her (vv. 13-14). Even God had struck her as an enemy and puni …
The Value of True Religion to a Nation
1. Babylonian Exiles Who Returned to Jerusalem (vv. 1-9). The people of Judah were taken to Babylon as prisoners because they sinned against God. When they returned there were 690 people from the Judah tribe who settled in Jerusalem …
The Prophet Places His Hope in a Compassionate God
God’s people needed to develop the proper attitude toward their afflictions. Jeremiah gave them seven principles to go by:Affliction should be endured with hope of God’s salvation (vv. 25-30).Affliction is only temporary and is tempered by God’s compassion and love (vv. 31-32).Go …
Ridicule And Criticism Comes to Nehemiah
Whenever someone sets out to accomplish a work for God there will be those who oppose it. The Bible Knowledge Commentary lists three of Nehemiah’s problems and responses up to this point:
God’s Forming of Israel
In this chapter, Isaiah contrasts God’s forming of Israel (vv. 1-8) to the Gentiles forming of their gods (vv. 9-20). This chapter also contains one of the most amazing prophesies found anywhere in the Old Testament (v. 28). Cyrus, the king of Persia, is named as the coming …
Paul’s Concern For The Corinthians
Apparently, the false teachers in Corinth were suggesting that Paul’s unwillingness to accept support from the church was simply a coverup. They thought that he really had a love for money, and the offering he claimed to be taking for the suffering saints in Jerusalem was only going to be …
Paul’s Change of Plans
In this text it appears that there were those who were attributing hidden motives to Paul. His answer is that his whole conduct is dominated, not by shrewdness, but by the grace of God (v. 12). There were no hidden motives in Paul’s life. If we are honest, we will have to admit that we seldom do …