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Jehu Kills Joram And Ahaziah
Elisha faded into obscurity following the anointing of Jehu as Israel’s new monarch. During the eighty-eight year reign of Jehu’s family, the affairs of Israel were directed by five kings. Joram was wounded in battle at Ramoth-Gilead and left Jehu and the captains in …
Preparations For The Temple
David was excited to start planning and preparing for the great work of building the temple (v. 1). He was not allowed to build it himself, but he wanted to do everything he possibly could to set his son Solomon up for success. When the Lord closes a door, instead of becoming discouraged or …
Samuel Goes to Bethlehem
God had rejected Saul because he was self-centered and refused to obey Him. Now He has already made His choice of a new king to replace Saul and asks Samuel to go to Bethlehem to meet and anoint this chosen one (v. 1). However, Samuel had to do this in secret because, if Saul had …
The Contrast of Righteousness And Wickedness
This passage contrasts righteousness with wickedness (vv. 25-32). A storm of life may come suddenly and bring disaster to the wicked by destroying lives and property but the righteous are secure (v. 25). Just as vinegar is sour tasting and smoke irritates the eyes so does a …
Jezebel’s Plot
Directed by Jezebel the men of Naboth’s city carried out her plans by accusing Naboth of blasphemy and having him stoned to death outside the city (vv. 11-14). Then Jezebel announced to Ahab that he could take possession of Naboth’s vineyard because he was now dead. Immediate …
God Will Restore Israel
The design the elders of Israel was promoting among the people was that being scattered in various nations they should lay aside all their peculiarities and conform to those among whom they lived; but God had told them that this design should not be (v. 32). Now, in these …
The Wicked Sons of Eli While Samuel Remains True
Eli’s sons were sons of the Devil (v. 12). Because they were priests, they took advantage of their position. They took part of the sacrifices before they were offered to God on the altar and before the fat was burned off, which was against God’s laws (Lev. 3:3-5) (vv. 13-17). In …
Self Appointed Teachers
Paul had taught these people the principle that he who preaches the gospel has a right to live by the gospel. It was he who taught them the old proverb, “Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treads …
Idolatry Will be Punished
At the beginning of this chapter a group of the elders in exile came to Ezekiel to seek counsel of the Lord (vv. 1-3). It appeared that they were finally been convinced that judgment was coming to their brethren still at Jerusalem. The context indicates that the question in …
The Harvest is Ready
When the disciples returned with food they were amazed to find Jesus conversing with a Samaritan woman (v. 27). Their return apparently ended the conversation between Jesus and the woman. All evidence indicates she was beginning to drink of the Living Water (v. 25). The woman left her …