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Judgments Are Prepared For Scoffers
Pay attention to advice and accept correction, so that you may be wise in the time to come (v. 20). We may make a lot of plans, but the Lord will do what he has decided (v. 21). What matters most is loyalty. It’s better to be poor than to be a liar (v. 22). Those who fear the Lord “will not be …
The Reign And Captivity of Jehoahaz
Josiah’s body was transported back to Jerusalem, where he was buried. With his death, all hope of spiritual revival was gone. The events that followed his reign would soon bring down the proud Judean capitals. Judah made Jehoahaz, Josiah’s fourth son, the new king. His reign o …
Making Furniture For The Tabernacle
I am amazed as I see how many chapters in Exodus deal with the tabernacle. It has been said, “God created the whole world in six days but He used forty days to instruct Moses about the tabernacle. God has always had a dwelling place in the midst of his people.
David Buys Araunah’s Threshing Floor
In response to David’s urgent prayer, the angel of the Lord orders the prophet Gad to tell David to “Go up” to Araunah’s threshing floor. There David is to build an altar to the Lord (v. 18). He obeys as the Lord has commanded (v. 19). Araunah sees t …
Plea For Forgiveness
Paul makes a strong plea for Philemon to forgive Onesimus for running away and stealing from him and to welcome him back (vv. 8-9). Paul’s mentions that he is aged and also a prisoner was probably made to gain Philemon’s approval. Paul must have been nearly sixty years …
The Burial of Jesus
Since the Jews were anxious to speed up the death process, the Roman soldiers were sent to break the legs of the crucified (vv. 31-32). A crucified person could live for many hours, sometimes even days, so long as they kept the use of their legs, which they could use to lift their chest allowing …
Jesus Chooses Matthew as a Disciple
The scene now shifts to the seaside (v. 13). Jesus chooses one man, Matthew to join Him as a disciple (v. 14). He was employed by the Roman government as a tax-gatherer which was a lucrative position. Tax collectors were renowned for dishonesty and extortion. They were detested t …
Joash Turns From The Lord And is Killed
After Jehoiada the Priest died, the leaders of Judah talked Joash into doing what they wanted (v. 17). The people soon stopped worshiping in the temple and started worshiping idols and symbols of the goddess Amaziah (v. 18). This made the Lord very angry with the people of Judah …
What Women Must do After Giving Child Birth
Now we come to a passage which deals with afflictions and diseases and, in the spiritual realm, with what these do to us in our relationships with others, and between ourselves and God. Here we will find that many modern sanitary procedures are anticipated by the rules and laws l …
Qualifications For The Priesthood
This chapter stresses both Christ’s divine appointment and His humility. One of the first things a Jew might have asked a Christian during the time of the early Church was, “How are your sins going to be pardoned when you have no one offering sacrifices and interceding …