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Jehoshaphat’s Powerful Kingdom
Jehoshaphat followed the reign of his father, by removing heathen worship and sent out teachers all over Judah to instruct the people in the law. He took pride, not in his riches and honor but in the ways of the Lord. In effect, he sent out the first itinerant Bible teaching team to be sponsored …
Collection For The Saints In Jerusalem
One of the things in Christian circles that tends to be done in a careless manner is stewardship or the handling of money. The apostle Paul in this passage organizes the collection of funds for the saints in Jerusalem so that it will be managed honestly and faithfully. Especially in financial …
The Way of Folly
Wisdom and folly are depicted by two female characters in this chapter. First wisdom is seen as a queen in a fine house attended by her maidens. Both make invitations. Wisdom’s invitation (vv. 1-6) and Folly’s invitation (vv. 13-18). Wisdom prepares a lovely banquet wh …
Loyalty to the Faith
God’s work has been done by men and women who stood steadfast while suffering trials. Timothy was in a time of transition. He had been Paul’s right hand man but soon he would be on his own as leader of a church in a difficult environment. He was responsible to preserve sound te …
The Transfiguration
This passage gives us a record of the transfiguration. This was the only time during Christ’s earthly ministry when He revealed the glory of His person. It is thought by many Bible scholars to have taken place on Mount Hermon above Caesarea Philippi. Jesus had taken Peter, …
Absalom Rebels Against David
In order to show himself in a position of authority, Absalom provides himself a “chariot of horses” and “men to run ahead of him” (vv. 1-6). His plan was to in a simple and subtle way to establish himself as a leader of the people of Israel. Early …
The Church at Pergamos Was Worldly
Pergamos was the capital of a Roman province located about 55 miles north of Smyrna and was known for its learning, science and especially medicine. Like Ephesus and Smyrna, it was a wealthy city but was stooped in idolatry and was averse to any Christian life and testimony. It …
White Washed Sepulchers
In our next woe Jesus gives an analogy of the Pharisees who appeared righteous on the outside. (like unto white washed tombs) however they were corrupt and decaying on the inside (vv. 27-32). It was a tradition for the Pharisees to build and decorate the tombs of the martyrs. How …
Priests And Levites Serving in The Temple
Now that the walls and gates of Jerusalem were restored, it was important that the Jews live in their capital city and make the population grow. For one thing, people were needed to protect the city; for they never knew when the enemy might decide to attack. It may have been safe …