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God Has Not Rejected His People
Romans 11 is devoted to presenting proof that God is not through with Israel. Five witnesses are used to prove there is a future in God’s plan for the Jews …
Don’t believe everything you hear
John explains how you cannot rely upon everyone who claims to preach a message from God (v. 1). Just because a man says he is presenting the Word of God from the Bible is no reason to believe that what he is saying is necessarily true. Each thing that you hear needs to be tested. …
Jesus is Nailed to The Cross
Calvary is at the crossroads of history and eternity. Actually the pathway of the cross began in eternity. The book of Revelation says that Jesus was “the lamb slain from the foundation of the world” (Rev. 13:8). Someone has said, “The cross was no ambulance sen …
A Crippled Woman Healed on the Sabbath
Jesus went to the synagogue to teach on the Sabbath day, which was Saturday (v. 10). On this occasion there was a woman present who had been crippled for 18 years, and who, like Job, was physically afflicted by Satan (vv. 11-12). This does not mean that all sickness is caused …
Joshua Captures Towns in the North
Joshua was a man who exemplified this character. He followed every detail of God’s commands to Moses. It is usually difficult to complete someone else’s project, but Joshua stepped into Moses’ job building upon what Moses had started. With the southern campaign over he was ready to …
A Special Sign for the Early Church
There were three great Jewish festivals to which every male Jew living within twenty miles of Jerusalem was legally bound to come—the Passover, Pentecost, and the Feast of Tabernacles. Pentecost was so called because it fell on the fiftieth day, a week of weeks, after the Passover. At …
Comfort in Suffering
The apostle Paul and Timothy write this letter to the church in Corinth and the saints scattered throughout Achaia (v. 1). He states he is praying that God and the Lord Jesus Christ will be kind to them and bless them with peace (v. 2). Have you ever wondered, why do the righteous suffer? …
David Praises God For Deliverance
At various times in the history of Israel they tended to believe that the ark of the covenant or the king of Israel was what would save them from the hand of their enemies. In this passage David expresses how this is not so, but that the Lord is the one who has delivered him (v. …
Celebration of The Feast of Tabernacles
Israel as a nation has not only been a scattered people and a sinful people, but they have been a suffering people. However, one day their suffering will be turned into joy. Like our Thanksgiving day in the United States the “Feast of Tabernacles” was a time of feasting …
Communications Between Esther And Mordecai
When Mordecai heard about the decree of Ahasuerus for the destruction of the Jews he rent his clothes and put on sackcloth with ashes, which displayed to the Jews great sorrow and grief (v. 1). He displayed his grief publicly, walking throughout the city and crying out bitterly. He was even …