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Discipline is Proof of God’s Love
At times God must discipline us to help us. This is similar to a loving parent disciplining his child. The disciplining is not very enjoyable to the child, but it is essential to teach him right from wrong. The Bible says that “no chastening seems to be joyful for the presen …
An Appeal For Vengeance
Making an earnest cry for vengeance, the psalmist called on God to arise and take care of the helpless (v. 9). One reason for this request is that the wicked should not be allowed to despise God (v. 3) and to think he can get away with his actions …
Praising The Lord at Night
This short psalm says we are to bless the Lord. This is what we will be doing for all eternity. We will be blessing and praising the Lord who has done great things for us. From the least to the greatest, from the king on the throne to the slave in the field, everyone is to praise …
God’s Miraculous Provisions For Israel
The records in Exodus as well as here, show that the Egyptians loaded the Hebrews with silver and gold as pay back for the countless years they had been in slavery to them (Ex. l2:35-36). The oppressed Israelites were anxious to leave, but not as much so than their oppressors were anxious …
The Secret of Happiness
This psalm is a favorite of millions. This Psalm is probably the best-known passage in the Old Testament. It is a testimony by David to the Lord’s faithfulness throughout his life. No other psalm comes close to its popularity. It was written by David, but we cannot be sure as to when. The …
The Joy of Forgiveness
This chapter records the experiences that David went through as he faced his sins, confessed them, and received God’s forgiveness (vv. 1-2). He was a very miserable man after he seduced the wife of his most loyal soldier, and arranged with Joab for the murder of this man. I …
Cleansing by God’s Word
Everywhere we look we find temptation to lead impure lives. The writer in this passage seems to be suggesting six ways to survive adolescence by keeping pure and growing in the Lord…
Earnest Prayer in Faith
In the previous verses we have seen David trusting in God with great faith. Now we see him trembling in fear (vv. 8-9). As we see David switch suddenly from faith to fear and trust to trembling we are reminded of how this can happen in our own lives today. Faith and fear of …
God Says Vengeance is Mine
This Psalm is a prayer for God’s judgment to fall. It is in the spirit of the petition that God’s righteous rule be established over all men, especially the wicked. The author of Psalm 94 lived in a day when government was engaged in the promotion of evil and persecut …
Conspiracy Against The Innocent
David became an old hand at dealing with danger. He was near death’s door time and time again. As a teenage shepherd boy in the Judean Hills David had barely escaped the jaws of wild beasts. He had faced the threats of Goliath in the valley of Eloh. But the dangers he faced in th …