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The Mercy of The Lord is Everlasting
This Psalm has often been referred to as David’s Hallelujah Chorus. It is a composition of praise by the psalmist to the God of Israel whom he loved so dearly. God wants every part of us (body, soul, and spirit) to enter a joyful relationship with Him. He seeks worshipers who will gladly give …
Beware of Settling Into a Comfort Zone
The psalmist turns from his preoccupation with the conditions of his exile in a pagan, idolatrous culture to the plans and purposes of God for His chosen people. In a glorious equation of hope the psalmist weighs three great factors:The truth factor – God is eternal and God is en …
A Prayer For The Nation
David was the General MacArthur of his day, a conquering hero. He begins this stirring psalm by remembering past victories and enemies who have been subdued under him (v. 2). He had a personal relationship with God who is strong, solid, and immovable, yet warm, loving, and …
The Lord Helps People in Need
Psalm 113-118 is a collection of songs sung at the three great festivals of Israel: Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles. An essential feature of the ancient festivals held by the Israelites was praise to Jehovah. They thanked God for raising up the oppressed (Ps. 113) and for deliverance …
Many People Play Church
This psalm begins with singing as it calls us to joyful worship because all glory belongs to the Lord (vv. 1-6). It continues with an emphasis of giving (vv. 7-9). This includes the giving of glory, wealth and worship. Then it ends with the fact that all governments belong to Him …
The Lord’s People Are Safe
This Psalm has to do with the security of the believer. It is a security that cannot be threatened by outward circumstances. While the Assyrian overthrow was still fresh in the writers mind, he wrote this song of the security of the saint. He tells how he is safe in two ways:He i …
God Who Delivered Israel From Egypt
This is a song of the exodus. Since the sixth century the established church has used this psalm in ministering to the dying and at the burial of the dead. It was also a psalm for Easter, because Israel’s deliverance from bondage was seen as a type of our deliverance from the bondage of sin…
Devotion in The House of God
In this psalm we have a picture of Heaven and home. Let us see what it has to say to us pilgrims in the world , but heading for home. You no doubt have heard it said, “Home is where the heart is.” The Psalmist longed for God.The desire of the Psalmist -Desired to be in …
David Experiences Happiness And Relief From Guilt
The emphasis in this passage is on God’s care for his restored child (vv. 6-7). As long as David was out of God’s will, everything worked against him. But when he confessed his sins he was restored to fellowship with God and he could rejoice. This does not mean that God would she …
The Lord Came to Judge
This is the first of twelve Psalms (50 and 73-83) thought to have been written by Asaph. Asaph was one of David’s three chief musicians appointed to be the choir director over the sacred choral services of Israel (I Chron. 16:15). He was selected by the Levites to lead the …