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Praise of The Shulamite’s Beauty
This chapter portrays the maturing of the couple’s marriage. Solomon continues his praise of her beauty by describing ten of her features: 1. How beautiful are thy feet (v. 1) …
Faith is The Opposite of Fear
Although women did not traditionally inherit property in the Israelite society, Moses put justice ahead of tradition and gave the women the land they deserved (Num. 27:1-11). Now, it is interesting to see how Joshua is carrying out this law (vv. 4-5). It is easy to refuse to honor a …
Animal Sacrifices Are Insufficient
Animal sacrifices could not take away sins; they provided only a temporary way to deal with sin until Jesus came to deal with it permanently. This chapter of Hebrews continues to emphasize the perfect sacrifice of Christ in contrast to the imperfect sacrifices that were offered u …
Paul’s Trial before Festus and his Appeal to Caesar
At the beginning of this chapter, we find Festus, the new governor, coming into power (v. 1). Felix had been recalled to Rome in disgrace. Festus was a much stronger leader, but he only served two years before dying in office. Ananias took the opportunity to get rid of Paul (vv. 2-3). When Festus …
The Problem of Co-signing For Someone
We find in these verses a strong warning against taking advantage of the poor (vv. 22-23). The Lord is on the side of the weak and helpless and will bring judgment on those who take advantage of those who are needy. Next, we have a warning against being a friend or even associating with a …
Four Types of Resurrections
Jesus defended His actions pointing out that He was only imitating His Father (v. 19). God’s sustaining work on the world has never ceased nor will it (vv. 20-23). Lack of understanding was not the problem. The Jews understood perfectly that Jesus was claiming equality with God. They …
Elihu is Upset With Job’s Friends
Elihu was polite in his waiting, and kind in his speaking, but he was an angry young man (vv. 1-5). He was angry with the three friends for failing to convince Job of his sins, and for Job justifying himself rather than God. He agreed with the friends that Job was a sinner, but h …
Giving Needed Rebuke is Never Easy
The oppressive rule of a wicked leader is compared to the vicious attack of a roaring lion (v. 15). He oppresses the poor like a wild beast among the people. He bears rule with a heavy hand and fails to see that the security of his job should be related to the welfare of those under him (v. 16) …
The Day of Rebuke
In this chapter God’s judgment results in three things: 1. Rebuke (vv. 1-7). This is addressed to the religious leaders, the nation in general and the royalty. It is especially directed to the religious and governmental leaders, who have been …
The Consequences of Neglected Warnings
After a strong warning against idolatry (v.v. 15-20), Moses for the third time refers to the Lord’s refusal to let him cross the Jordan and enter Canaan (v. 21; Deut. 1:37; Deut. 3:26-27). Certainly, his repetition of the Lord’s prohibition points out his deep disappointment. Since the people were …