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Jesus Authority is Established Over All Creation
The balance of this chapter continues with an ever-mounting argument for the superiority of Christ over the angels. The people addressed in this epistle were Hebrew Christians who had the greatest and deepest respect for the angels of God. When we look at this passage we can see …
The Doom of False Teachers
Peter gives three historic examples of God’s judgement of sin: The fallen angles in verse 4. (Gen. 6:1-4)The ungodly people of Noah’s day in verse 5. (Gen. 7)The ungodly people at Sodom and Gomorrah in verse 6. (Gen. 19). We see an explanation of Divine deliverance (vv. …
Jesus Heals a Man With a Demon
In the last half of this chapter Jesus demonstrates His power over three areas of life:Demons – (vv. 26-39)Death – (vv. 40-42;49-56)Disease – (vv. 43-48) A demon possessed man met Jesus when He landed at Gadara on the western shore of the Sea of Galilee (vv. 2 …
Better to Have Wisdom Than Gold
Rulers should hate wrongdoing and value honesty (v. 12). They should value honesty not only in themselves but in others also. Right and just lips are the delight of a king, and he loves those who speaks what is right (v. 13). If someone angers a king he runs the risk of being put …
Jeroboam’s Evil Reign in Israel
While Amaziah was being held prisoner in Israel, Jehoash, king of Israel, died. When this happened, Amaziah was released and returned to Judah. Azariah (referred to as Uzziah later), his son, had been acting as king while he was in prison. Now Amaziah resumes his reign over Judah …
The Three Feasts of God’s Chosen People
Every Israelite male was obligated to attend three feasts at God’s chosen place every year (v. 16). Apparently, some Jews of this period did not take this command any more serious than some Christians of our day do in attending the services of the church (Hebrews 10:25). If possible, their …
Judgment on The House of Jeroboam
Jeroboam was the most idolatrous king in Israel’s history, the worst of the lot because of his powerful influence. Jeroboam’s son Abijah became sick. We are not told what ailed the lad. Prompted by this sickness, Jeroboam told his wife to disguise herself and go to Shiloh and v …
Stay Sexually Pure
In these verses, the apostle once more takes up the question of sexual immorality, a sin that was prevalent in Corinth. The temple of the love goddess, Aphrodite, was there. It employed more than a thousand prostitutes and sex was part of the worship ritual. In other words, Corinth was a morally …
Spiritual Gifts That Unite
No body part can say to another “I have no need of you” (v. 21). When a part of the human body becomes independent, you have a serious problem that often leads to sickness and even death. An amputated finger only has about 12 hours to be reattached before it is too late. Even if it is …
The People Refuse to Worship The Lord
Jews from both Northern and Southern Egypt listened to what the Lord had to say through Jeremiah (v. 15). The men knew that their wives burned incense to other gods. It was an act of open defiance, when they shouted, “We don’t care what you say or what God says. …