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Hezekiah’s Visitors And Death
In Hezekiah’s pursuit of an anti-Assyrian policy he made alliances with both Egypt and Babylon. When he was sick (possibly with boils) the king of Babylon sent him presents as well as letters wishing for his recovery (v. 12). Attempting to show gracious hospitality to th …
God Reveals Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream
Daniel and his three friends were among the number that came under Nebuchadnezzar’s decree to be executed because they were considered part of Babylon’s wise men (v. 14). Daniel was included in this fatal order and yet he was not summoned with the others to interpret the …
Rebuilding of Jerusalem Opposed
Every attempt to revive true religion will stir up the opposition of Satan, and of those in whom he works. The adversaries were the Samaritans, who had been planted in the land of Israel. It was plain that they did not mean to unite in the worship of the Lord, according to His wo …
Abigal Keeps David From Killing Innocent People
David was in no mood to listen when he set out for Nabal’s property (v.13). Only the superior wisdom and quick thinking of Nabal’s wife, Abigail, stopped David from killing the whole household of Nabal and many innocent people. She quickly devised a plan and her servants helped …
Suffering For Christ
Some of Paul’s religious assailants in Corinth were no doubt Jews. They hurled the charge at Paul that he was no true Hebrew. They said he had apostatized from the faith and that he could not possibly be a faithful minister of God. What Paul does here is demonstrate the depth of his …
The Levitical census and duties
The tribe of Levi was chosen from all Israel to be God’s peculiar people were taken from among the rest to be specifically employed in the service of the tabernacle. Now observe:Who were to be taken into this number (vv. 1-20). All the males age 30 years old to 50. Of the other t …
What does it mean to be given “double honor?”
In this passage the Apostle Paul turns to admonitions and instructions concerning the elders of a church. To get a church operating as it ought to is more important than maintaining good schools, or electing strong officials to office, or building a sound economic base in this country; it is far …
Abijah’s Evil Reign in Judah
Abijah, Rehoboam’s son and David’s grandson, succeeded his father to the throne of Judah (v. 1). He reigned for a period of three years in Jerusalem and he walked in the sins of hia father (vv. 2-3). This began near the end of Jeroboam’s reign in Israel. Because of David, who …
With Dishonor Comes Reproach
Nothing is more clearly taught in the Scriptures than separation of those who love the truth and those who walk in darkness. Separation from evil includes evil friends, ecclesiastical evil, and evil in business. The Scripture is very plain on this subject (II Corinthians 6: …
Confirming the Will of God
When it was confirmed that Gideon was the one guilty of tearing down the altar of Baal the followers marched on Gideon’s house and demanded that he be turned over to them for execution (v. 30). Joash, Gideon’s father responded by saying, “If (Baal) is a God let him contend …