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Proud Babylon Will Fall
Even though Israel and Judah had been held by their captures who refused to let them go (v.33) the Lord vowed to defend their cause. He said that He would give them rest in their own land while giving unrest to Babylon (v.34). This threat of unrest is pictured as a sword going th …
Why is Life so Hard?
In this chapter Job talks to God about the seeming futility of his life. He questions as to why God should keep him alive. What is all this suffering accomplishing? Job says, “If I am a great sinner, either pardon my sins or take my life. Either way I will find some pe …
The Ten Commandments
Moses calls Israel together and exhorts them with four key words (vv. 1-2). The words are hear, learn, keep, and do. It is a restating of the Law, but the emphasis is still on love and obedience. What the Lord demanded of Israel is still required of His people today (v. 3). The only difference …
Zacharias is Unable to Speak
When told he would have a son, Zacharias doubted the angel’s word. From his human perspective, his doubts were understandable, but with God anything is possible. Zacharias had doubts that he and Elisabeth could have a child since both of them were old (v. 18). This good man, th …
The Natural Man is Never Satisfied
Just as water, like a mirror, reflects a person’s face, so will a person’s heart and thoughts reflect what he is really like (v. 19). The natural man is never satisfied (v. 20). The more he gets the more he wants. It is reported that John Rockefeller was once asked how much money it would take to …
Blinded to The Truth
Many Jews falsely believed that the Messiah’ origins would be unknown. The crowds believed that Jesus was only a Galilean carpenter from Nazareth. Since they “knew” His origins, they reasoned He could not be the Messiah. Jesus, however, was more than a Galilean; He was born of …
Preparation For Moses Death
The enemies who bring God’s judgment on Israel were as evil as Sodom and Gomorrah (v. 32). This points out the depth of evil into which Israel had fallen. Through this detailed analysis of the law, it has been made clear that God’s standards are absolute and that He will not tolerate sin. Even …
The Dangers of Forgetting God
Moses spells out the dangers of forgetting that God is the source of every blessing that we enjoy (v. 11). These Jews had been slaves in Egypt, having nothing, and soon they would be living in nice houses, taking care of their large flocks, and accumulating silver and gold (vv. 12-13). This …
Joshua Leads The People to Shechem
When Israel was still encamped in Moab, waiting to cross over the Jordan into Canaan, Moses included as part of his last instructions to Joshua that an altar of stones be erected on Mount Ebal (Deuteronomy 27:4). Following the victory at Ai, Joshua felt compelled to fulfill Moses’ command …
Paul, Silas And Timothy Were Bold
In the margin of my Bible I have chapter two outlined as follows:Be Biblical – (verses 1-4)Be Real – (verses 5-6)Be Gracious (verses 7-11)Be Practical – (verses 12-13)"Our coming to you” refers to Paul’s first visit to Thessalonica (Acts 17:1-9). The boldness with which …