Wives Submit, Husbands Love And Children Obey

Topic: Submission
Passage: Colossians 3:18–21

December 11, 2022


In Genesis 2:18-25 and Matthew 19:1-6 we find the first institution God founded on the earth which is the home. A happy marriage is one that is worked at and does not come automatically. As we walk with Christ we find it easier to submit and serve one another. Selfishness will bring division and conflict in the home. The word submission comes from the military meaning to arrange under rank (v. 18). It doesn’t mean that one is necessarily better than the other but only means they have different rank. One of the greatest needs today is for older women to teach younger women. (Titus 2:3-5).
A husband must love his wife and not be harsh or resentful toward her (v. 19). He is to also have the responsibility of headship and leadership in the home. This is to be carried out with a sacrificing and serving love and not any bitterness.” (Heb. 12:15). Children obeying their parents are doing what is right (Ephesians 6:1). Here we see obedience to parents is to be “in all things” and the reason is to please the Lord (v. 20). The word “fathers” (v. 21) could be translated “parents.” Parents are to encourage their children and not discourage them. This means parents need to take time to listen to their children, pray with them, help them develop their skills and in making the home the happiest and best place on earth.


Compare this passage with Ephesians 5:18-6:9. Ephesians emphasizes being filled with the Spirit while Colossians emphasizes being filled with the Word. Note that the results from both produce joy, thankfulness, and submissive living. The question I need to ask myself is; do those who live with me see that I am filled with the Spirit and the Word?

Colossians 3:18– 21 (NET)

18 Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord. 19 Husbands, love your wives and do not be embittered against them. 20 Children, obey your parents in everything, for this is pleasing in the Lord. 21 Fathers, do not provoke your children, so they will not become disheartened.

Illustration: The boy who was consistently late for dinner

The small boy had been consistently late for dinner. One particular day his parents had warned him to be on time, but he arrived later than ever. He found his parents already seated at the table, about to start eating. Quickly he sat at his place, then noticed what was set before him-a slice of bread and a glass of water. There was silence as he sat staring at his plate, crushed. Suddenly he saw his father’s hand reach over, pick up his plate and set it before himself. Then his dad put his own full plate in front of his son, smiling warmly as he made the exchange. When the boy became a man, he said, “All my life I’ve known what God was like by what my father did that night.” (Source Unknown, Lou Nicholes – Missionary/Author).

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