What keeps you from being content?
December 27, 2022
Why is it that, no matter where we are, we dream of going somewhere else? Somehow we feel cheated if we haven’t seen or done it all. Past generations, such as those without TV, didn’t seem to struggle so much. Perhaps they had no idea what they were missing. Whatever the reason, contentment seems to be a thing of the past. Paul told Timothy the marks of false teachers need to be recognized (vv. 3-5). The first sign of the false teachers was their “doctrine,” that which was not according to the Word of God (v. 3). We are instructed not to deny, add to or take away from God’s Word. The second sign was pride (v. 4), one filled with himself. “The fear of the Lord is to hate evil pride, and arrogancy. The third sign was his words (v. 4) (Prov. 8:13). The words of a false teacher bring disputes, envy, strife and evil doing. Instead, you and I are to edify one another (Eph. 4;29).
Paul tells Timothy that true godliness with contentmentis something every man should seek after (v. 6). This contentment makes one independent of outward circumstances because of his inner resources. This means he will be able to maintain a proper attitude in the midst of unfavorable as well as favorable circumstances. We did not bring anything into this world at birth and we will not take anything out of it when we die (v. 7). We need to learn to be satisfied when our actual needs of food, clothing and shelter are met (v. 8). Many get sidetracked and waste their lives just seeking to accumulate money and the things it will buy (v.9). Money in itself is not evil but when a person makes it his chief motive for living it becomes evil (v. 10).
I need to focus on the things that really bring me lasting happiness. What are some things that only bring temporary satisfaction. What are the things God says I need to be content (v. 8)?
1 Timothy 6:3– 10 (NET)
3 If someone spreads false teachings and does not agree with sound words (that is, those of our Lord Jesus Christ) and with the teaching that accords with godliness, 4 he is conceited and understands nothing, but has an unhealthy interest in controversies and verbal disputes. This gives rise to envy, dissension, slanders, evil suspicions, 5 and constant bickering by people corrupted in their minds and deprived of the truth, who suppose that godliness is a way of making a profit. 6 Now godliness combined with contentment brings great profit. 7 For we have brought nothing into this world and so we cannot take a single thing out either. 8 But if we have food and shelter, we will be satisfied with that. 9 Those who long to be rich, however, stumble into temptation and a trap and many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. 10 For the love of money is the root of all evils. Some people in reaching for it have strayed from the faith and stabbed themselves with many pains.