We all need to be appreciated
April 2, 2022
It was customary in Paul’s day to close each letter with personal greetings. Paul’s greetings conveyed his spiritual concern for his friends. In these last eight verses Paul winds up the letter with his own personal greetings and includes the greetings of six of his co-workers. These associates were:
Aristarchus (v. 10) – One of Paul’s traveling companions from Macedonia (Acts 19:29). He stayed with Paul regardless of the circumstances.John Mark (v. 10) – A nephew of Barnabas and the one who went with Paul and Barnabas on their first missionary journey and turned back when the going got tough (Acts 13:5-13).Jesus (Justus) (v. 11) – Jewish believer who served with Paul but nothing is said about him.Epaphras (vv. 12-13) – The man who founded the church in Colosse (a “home missionary”).Luke (v. 14) – A Gentile doctor who remained loyal to Paul even when others forsook him. He was also the one chosen by God to write the book of Luke and the book of Acts.Demas (v. 14) – Mentioned three times in Paul’s letter. At first it seems that he was faithful to the ministry but later deserted Paul when “this present world” became too appealing.Paul then added greetings to two church assemblies, with a special word to one of the pastors. Give my greetings to the followers at Laodicea, especially to Nympha and the church that meets in her home (v. 15). After this letter has been read to your people, be sure to have it read in the church at Laodicea (v. 16). Remind Archippus to do God’s work (v. 17). Remember to pray for me (v. 18).
I need to let people know that I am thinking of them and that they are appreciated.
Colossians 4:12– 18 (NET)
12 Epaphras, who is one of you and a slave of Christ, greets you. He is always struggling in prayer on your behalf, so that you may stand mature and fully assured in all the will of God. 13 For I can testify that he has worked hard for you and for those in Laodicea and Hierapolis. 14 Our dear friend Luke the physician and Demas greet you. 15 Give my greetings to the brothers and sisters who are in Laodicea and to Nympha and the church that meets in her house. 16 And after you have read this letter, have it read to the church of Laodicea. In turn, read the letter from Laodicea as well. 17 And tell Archippus, “See to it that you complete the ministry you received in the Lord.”
18 I, Paul, write this greeting by my own hand. Remember my chains. Grace be with you.