The Provision of Water at Marah

Topic: Tested
Passage: Exodus 15:22–27

December 18, 2022


Just after God’s special provision of escape and victory the Israelites were tested. It might have seemed nice to linger at the seaside and praise the Lord but they needed to follow His leading.  Leaving the Red Sea area the pillar of cloud lead the Israelites into the desert and wilderness country (v. 22). They marched for three days in the wilderness before finding water.
When they arrived at Marah they found water but it was bitter and the people murmured against Moses (vv. 23-24). Moses had learned to  go to God with every problem, so he prayed  and asked  God what to do (v. 25). God told him to throw a certain tree into the water and when he did it became sweet and good to drink. The Lord gave the people a law to live by and then He tested their loyalty. He told them if they obey His commandments He will not bring any of the diseases on them that he brought upon the Egyptians (v. 26). Then the people traveled to Elim (v. 27).
It is so easy for us to praise God one day for our salvation and the next day complain to Him about some bitter waters. We need to realize that life is a combination of bitter and sweet, triumphs and trials. We must accept the bitter with the sweet, knowing that God knows what is best for us. He  knows our needs because He planned the way. He is able to use the tree (the cross – I Peter 2:24) to make the bitter waters sweet.


I want to be able to accept the bitter with the sweet, knowing that God knows what is best for me.

Exodus 15:22– 27 (NET)

22 Then Moses led Israel to journey away from the Red Sea. They went out to the wilderness of Shur, walked for three days into the wilderness, and found no water. 23 Then they came to Marah, but they were not able to drink the waters of Marah, because they were bitter. (That is why its name was Marah.)

24 So the people murmured against Moses, saying, “What can we drink?” 25 He cried out to the Lord, and the Lord showed him a tree. When Moses threw it into the water, the water became safe to drink. There the Lord made for them a binding ordinance, and there he tested them. 26 He said, “If you will diligently obey the Lord your God, and do what is right in his sight, and pay attention to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, then all the diseases that I brought on the Egyptians I will not bring on you, for I, the Lord, am your healer.”

27 Then they came to Elim, where there were twelve wells of water and seventy palm trees, and they camped there by the water.

Illustration: Paul Gustave Dore Draws a Picture to Prove His Idenity

It is related of the famous artist, Paul Gustave Dore, that when he was traveling from one country to another in Europe he lost his passport, which was required to be shown by every traveler. He was anxious to cross the border that day, so he said to the police, “I am sorry, but I have lost my passport; I hope you will let me pass without it; all that I can say is that I am the artist, Dore.” “Oh,” was the reply, “You cannot deceive us. Many persons try to pass, claiming to be some distinguished character.” But Dore entreated, and so an officer finally said: “Well, we shall soon see whether you are Dore or not. Take this paper and pencil, and sketch that group of peasants standing there.” It took but a few minutes for the great artist to make the picture, and in such masterly manner was it done that the officer was at once convinced. (Commonwealth).

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