The Lord Hates Dishonesty And Pride

Topic: Honesty
Passage: Proverbs 11:1–5

April 8, 2019


It is a serious matter when Christians follow the world in dishonest business methods of the day. The Lord hates dishonest scales and is pleased with accurate weights (v. 1). During these Old Testament times many merchants used two sets of stone weights when weighing merchandise. To increase their profits lighter stones were placed on the scales when selling and heavier ones were used when buying. It is this type of dishonesty in business that is condemned.
Nothing is more detestable in God’s sight than pride. Pride leads to disgrace while humility leads to wisdom (v. 2). The word for pride means, “to boil up” and sounds much like the Hebrew word for disgrace. It is not so much intelligence that is lacking among Christians as real integrity of heart (v. 3). The thing that is most needed is a tender heart that is subject to the guidance of the Word and Spirit of God.
Integrity (v. 3) means blameless and refers to being morally pure or being without moral blemish. It should be a guiding principal in our life. Wealth cannot buy us a long life (v. 4) only righteous living (v. 5) is said to contribute to longevity of life. “The day of wrath” refers to when we die or to the time when God settles accounts with all people. On judgment day, each of us will stand alone, accountable for all of our deeds.


Think of ways it is easy to be dishonest today. Example: Cheating on our taxes. Sneaking into an event where we are suppose to pay and not paying etc. It is so important that I am honest in all of my dealings with others if I want the Lord’s blessing in my life.

Proverbs 11:1– 5 (NET)

1 The Lord abhors dishonest scales, but an accurate weight is his delight.

2 After pride came, disgrace followed; but wisdom came with humility.

3 The integrity of the upright guides them, but the crookedness of the treacherous destroys them.

4 Wealth does not profit in the day of wrath, but righteousness delivers from death.

5 The righteousness of the blameless will make their way smooth, but the wicked will fall through their own wickedness.

Illustration: Stats on Church members

10% of church members cannot be found; 20% of church members never attend church; 25% admit that they never pray; 35% admit that they do not read their Bibles; 40% admit that they never contribute to the church through tithe or offering; 60% never give to missions; 70% never assume responsibility within the church; 85% never invite anyone to church; 95 % have never won anyone to Christ; BUT! 100% expect to go to heaven. (The Choice, by Thomas Trask, Zondervan Pub. House, Grand Rapids, MI, 1999)

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