The Lord Came to Judge

Topic: Hypocrisy
Passage: Psalms 50:1–6

February 18, 2024


This is the first of twelve Psalms (50 and 73-83) thought to have been written by Asaph. Asaph was one of David’s three chief musicians appointed to be the choir director over the sacred choral services of Israel (I Chron. 16:15). He was selected by the Levites to lead the music when David brought the ark to Jerusalem (I Chron. 15:16-17). His descendants are recorded as Choristers of the Temple (I Chron. 25:1-2; II Chron. 20:14).
This psalm begins as though God is totally ready to judge the evil people on earth. But surprisingly  we read that God’s great fury is leveled against His own people (or at least those who claim to be His). God’s judgment must begin with His own people (I Peter 4:17). Some have titled this 50th Psalm as a blistering indictment against hypocrisy and formalism in worship. It seems to have been composed by Asaph as a warning to Israel not to substitute formality and hypocrisy for true spirituality. As a nation, Israel had been given all kinds of spiritual privileges and advantages but had persistently rejected the Scriptures and the Savior. Although the beginning  verses in this chapter (vv. 1-2) sound like a praise Psalm, the straight-forwardness of verse 3 suggests that God had unpleasant business to conduct. That purpose is specifically stated (v. 4): He is to judge His people. The worshipers are summoned to give account of their integrity in the matter of sacrificing (v. 5). It appears that they had been unfaithful to the covenant they had made with God or such a charge would not be warranted. God will send no deputy, no lieutenant, no angel to do His work of judgment (v. 6). This is a task He must do Himself.


What am I doing to let the Lord know that I love Him and really desire to please Him? It is so easy to be a hypocrite by having “a form of godliness and deny the power thereof” (II Timothy 3:5).

Psalms 50:1– 6 (NET)

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